2009-1-4 Amendments to jump start scrolling when a bug; Modify * # + -100 ms for time; Revised BIG5 restart. Can not be used. Issue 2009-1-5 Add the default encoding Use automatic encoding non-coding features of the cases, the default encoding After the editorial appeared to resolve 8K editorial error 2009-1-6 . lib,. elf,. jpg etc. blank questions 2009-1-7 Home to save bookmarks are not allowed to amend; Increase Editor Traditional Set in the MAP today issued uc2gbk.map 2009-2-13 Fix the problem when reading an invalid preview Repair after the abolition of a new reading a new issue of Jump equivariant 2009-2-24 Repair space can not be displayed Careless me. . Space is 16 hex 20 to write the time written in the 20 Therefore, a space can not be displayed 2009-2-25 Save bookmark When will mark the success of what I had always feared is not saved to the save several times more than there are now marked to see whether it can directly save the TXTedit Use 1. Set Spacing --- each line spacing; Time --- automatically turning the pages of time; Auto next page --- the number of rows the number of rows; Pixel --- scroll when the scroll of pixels; interval of time is also time-use settings; Coding --- according to personal preferences, you can choose to automatically; Simplified coding --- --- This code calls the contents of the CG4 if CG4 content changes that may lead to black-block; Coding --- Traditional --- called a patch CG1; Encoding - Display --- Traditional Traditional to Simplified text display; file encoding must be ANSI; Coding --- Other --- what to do does not bar his trial described; Offset --- Traditional GBK patch offset address; default to e398's; MAP ---- individuals join the U-code-switching GB of files; settings to edit ANSI Simplified Chinese; there is no such document can not be edited; BIGMAP-with code to display Traditional use; Color - Set the color by 1-1 by 3 +1 by 4-10 by 6 +10; Backup - editing is a backup of the original document; 0 - backup; 1 - no backup; Background - Set the background picture; into press a key to cancel the background settings; 2. Bookmarks Press 1 or the green button to save bookmarks; Press 7 to delete bookmarks; A bookmark for the last out of the last time the bookmark is automatically saved in; 3. Reading To control page up and down around 8246 ------ next page turn line; Green button to enter a key ---------- bookmarks; 3 keys --------------- jump; Right --------------- Setting coding; ------------- Menu button to enter the menu; Left --------------- return; Press *#-------------- time + -100 ms; 3. When browsing files According to a new text