_______ | \ _______________ _______ ______________________ | \/ _________ /_________________/____ \/ __________|__ __:______ / /________ _________ / \ ______ ___/ \__ \ \/ // / / // \/ \\ ____ \ \ // / / // _ _ \\ \ _/ / / \\ \/ // \ / \\ \_________/ / /\________\\___________/\__//________/\/\ \\_______\ | /________/ \ \!NE7 | | XUMP XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \________\ _______| |_______________________________________________________________\ ! | . ! . Xump v1.00 by Retroguru [ May 2014 ] h t t p : / / w w w . r e t r o g u r u . c o m __________________________________ __________________________________ | ) ) / ! L I C E N S E : ( ( /| .__________________________________) )______________________________/ | | | | Xump is FREEWARE. All rights remain within the development team! | | | | No money in any form should be charged for the game! Distribution | | on third party pages is acceptable if you link to www.retroguru.com. | | Distribution on compilations, CD's, DVD's or other media is only | | allowed with a written permission. Contact information is available | | on the Retroguru homepage. ! . ________________ ____________________________________________________ | ) ) / ! A B O U T : ( ( /| .________________) )________________________________________________/ | | | Xump is a simple one screen puzzle game initially released in 2005 | | by Psilocybin Development. This overhaul by Retroguru is a rewrite | | featuring new graphics, new levels, new music... simply new | | everything. | | | | If you enjoy the game you can consider a donation, which will help | | to fund our next project. Thanks a lot in advance :) ! . _________________________________________________________ ___________ | ) ) / ! S T O R Y : ( ( /| ._________________________________________________________) )_______/ | | | | Help Xump and his human master Holger to disarm mines on fields | | located somewhere above our atmosphere. Collect coins by destroying | | fields or mines but do not fall of the playing field. ! . ____________________________________________ ________________________ | ) ) / ! C O N T R O L S : (where applicable) ( ( /| .____________________________________________) )____________________/ | | | | Default Keyboard controls: | | UP = CURSOR UP | | DOWN = CURSOR DOWN | | LEFT = CURSOR LEFT | | RIGHT = CURSOR RIGHT | | PAUSE = START | | | | Use the ingame menue to change keyboard, joystick or joypad behavior!| | The supported devices very much rely on the operating system and your| | hardware. ! . _________________________ ___________________________________________ | ) ) / ! C H A N G E L O G : ( ( /| ._________________________) )_______________________________________/ | | | | * v1.00 | | - Fixes | | - readme.txt corrections (spelling, design, ...) | | - Secret Easteregg: Play the classic Xump levels with music from ne7 | | | | * v0.90 | | - First public release (Wiz only!) | | for tUM 2013 game developement competition | | http://2013.tum-party.net/ | | ! . ______________________________________________________________ ______ | ) ) / ! C O R E - T E A M : ( ( /| .______________________________________________________________) )__/ | | | | * Lars Persson (AnotherGuest) | | - Code, Beta-Testing | | http://anotherguest.se | | | | * Andre Haensel (kedo) | | - Code | | http://planetkedo.de | | | | * Christian Hildenbrand (Daydream) | | - Character Design, Alternative Themes, Tiles | | http://2dgameartforprogrammers.blogspot.co.at | | | | * Virgile Metier (thUg) | | - Graphics, Pixel Theme (default) | | http://www.thug-inc.com | | | | * Johan Letfors (vedder) | | - Music | | https://soundcloud.com/johanletfors | | | | * Andrew Lemon (ne7) | | - Sound effects, ASCII Art, Music | | http://ne7.untergrund.net | | | | * Unknown | | - Fonts | | | | * Denny Mueller (Mulle) | | - Levels, Beta-Testing, Trailer | | http://www.red-aqua-media.de | | | | * Shahzad Sahaib (Kojote) | | - Levels, Project Management, Beta-Testing | | http://www.pdroms.de ! . ________________ ____________________________________________________ | ) ) / ! P O R T S : ( ( /| .________________) )________________________________________________/ | | | | * Lars Persson (AnotherGuest) | | - Win32, Symbian OS UIQ 3, Symbian OS Series 60 | | | | * Rodolphe Boixel (Thor) | | - Ubuntu (32-Bit, Ubuntu (64-Bit), Playstation Portable, Wiz | | http://thor.pdroms.de | | | | * Frank Wille (phx) | | - Amiga OS4, MorphOS, NetBSD x86, NetBSD PPC | | http://sun.hasenbraten.de/~frank/ | | | | * Scott Smith (pickle) | | - Pandora, Caanoo, GP2x | | http://boards.openpandora.org/index.php?/user/69-pickle/ | | | | * Xavier Vallejo (Indiket) | | Dreamcast, Mac OS X x86 | | http://www.dreamcast.es | | | | * Sergei Kolesnikov (Exl) | | MotoMAGX, Dingoo A320 OpenDingux | | http://exlmoto.ru | | | | * Artur Rojek (zear) | | GCW Zero | | http://www.unnamedmonkeygame.com | | | | * James Higgs (Jum) | | Raspberry Pi | | http://jum.pdroms.de | | | | * Yannick Erb (Yannickescu) | | AROS | | http://www.dusabledanslherbe.eu/AROSPage/ ! | . _______________________________________ _____________________________ | ) ) / ! H E L P I N G H A N D S : ( ( /| ._______________________________________) )_________________________/ | | | | * Jan Jensen (Farfly) | | - Additional Tiles | | http://www.janart.dk | | | | * Benjamin Klueter (Squirrelsquid) | | - Additional Tiles, Additional Logo | | http://www.pixeljoint.com/p/1889.htm ! . _________________________________________________ ___________________ | ) ) / ! T H I R D P A R T Y C R E D I T S : ( ( /| ._________________________________________________) )_______________/ | | | | We use SDL, SDL_Mixer, libmodplug and zlib! Consult and visit: | | | | http://www.libsdl.org | | http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer | | http://modplug-xmms.sourceforge.net/ | | http://www.zlib.net/ | | | | The "Scale2x" function used for antialias is an own recoded | | implementation by Yannick Erb and does not use the original GPL'ed | | code. You may want to check this page for more information on | | Scale2x: http://scale2x.sourceforge.net | | | | Please kindly note "scale2x", "bilinear antialias" and "scanlines", | | once activated, will intense CPU usage and might lead to slowdowns | | and higher energy consumption, which therefore will decrease battery | | life on portable devices. Availability of these functions is OS | | depending. ! |_______________________________________________________ [END OF FILE] .