Index of /Devices/Consoles/NDS/DSiWare/L

Filename Size Last Modified


- 03-Aug-2022 10:20

Legend of Zelda, The - Four Swords Anniversary Edition (USA) (En,Fr,Es).nds

Legend of Zelda, The - Four Swords Anniversary Edition (USA) (En,Fr,Es).nds
14496 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Legends of Exidia (USA).nds

Legends of Exidia (USA).nds
9628 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Let's Create! Pottery (USA).nds

Let's Create! Pottery (USA).nds
10260 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Let's Golf! (USA).nds

Let's Golf! (USA).nds
16590 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Letter Challenge (USA).nds

Letter Challenge (USA).nds
9652 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Libera Wing (USA).nds

Libera Wing (USA).nds
15799 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Link 'n' Launch (USA).nds

Link 'n' Launch (USA).nds
4690 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Liti Yincanghua - Tonghua Xun Zong Ji (China) (iQue).nds

Liti Yincanghua - Tonghua Xun Zong Ji (China) (iQue).nds
8965 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Little Bit of... Brain Training, A - Arts Edition (Europe, Australia) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Rev 1).nds

Little Bit of... Brain Training, A - Arts Edition (Europe, Australia) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Rev 1).nds
12608 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Little Bit of... Brain Training, A - Maths Edition (Europe, Australia) (Rev 1).nds

Little Bit of... Brain Training, A - Maths Edition (Europe, Australia) (Rev 1).nds
10689 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Little Bit of... Brain Training, A - Sudoku (Europe, Australia) (Rev 1).nds

Little Bit of... Brain Training, A - Sudoku (Europe, Australia) (Rev 1).nds
3425 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Little Bit of... Magic Made Fun, A - Deep Psyche (Europe).nds

Little Bit of... Magic Made Fun, A - Deep Psyche (Europe).nds
2374 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Little Bit of... Magic Made Fun, A - Funny Face (Europe) (En,Es).nds

Little Bit of... Magic Made Fun, A - Funny Face (Europe) (En,Es).nds
3122 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Little Bit of... Magic Made Fun, A - Matchmaker (Europe).nds

Little Bit of... Magic Made Fun, A - Matchmaker (Europe).nds
6076 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Little Bit of... Magic Made Fun, A - Mind Probe (Europe).nds

Little Bit of... Magic Made Fun, A - Mind Probe (Europe).nds
3720 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Little Bit of... Magic Made Fun, A - Psychic Camera (Europe).nds

Little Bit of... Magic Made Fun, A - Psychic Camera (Europe).nds
4884 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Little Bit of... Magic Made Fun, A - Shuffle Games (Europe).nds

Little Bit of... Magic Made Fun, A - Shuffle Games (Europe).nds
2565 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Little Bit of..., A - Dr. Mario (Europe, Australia).nds

Little Bit of..., A - Dr. Mario (Europe, Australia).nds
4083 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Little Bit of..., A - Nintendo Touch Golf (Europe, Australia).nds

Little Bit of..., A - Nintendo Touch Golf (Europe, Australia).nds
15370 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Little Bit of..., A - Puzzle League (Europe, Australia).nds

Little Bit of..., A - Puzzle League (Europe, Australia).nds
5714 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ (Europe).nds

Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ (Europe).nds
15818 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Littlest Pet Shop (USA).nds

Littlest Pet Shop (USA).nds
14788 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Lola's Alphabet Train (USA).nds

Lola's Alphabet Train (USA).nds
5201 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Lola's Fruit Shop Sudoku (USA).nds

Lola's Fruit Shop Sudoku (USA).nds
5762 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Looksley's Line Up (USA).nds

Looksley's Line Up (USA).nds
9138 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Lost Town - The Dust, The (USA).nds

Lost Town - The Dust, The (USA).nds
11616 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Lost Town - The Jungle, The (Europe, Australia).nds

Lost Town - The Jungle, The (Europe, Australia).nds
11422 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32

Lost Treasures of Alexandria (USA).nds

Lost Treasures of Alexandria (USA).nds
11669 kB 24-Dec-1996 23:32
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