[b]What is it[/b] It was *meant* to be a [url=http://stepmania.com]Stepmania[/url]/DDR clone for the GP2X. It didn't quite make it so I am releasing what I have so far with the source so someone else can improve, or finish the project. [bThanks to[/b] - Vynx for the background graphics - Rob Miles for supervising this project - Paeryn for the HW SDL Libs - The developers at Stepmania for letting me use their graphics set - The QA team - Azure - Quiest - Phil - The guys on the #gp2xdev channel [b]Version 0.1[/b] - No freeze arrow or BPM change support - Hardcoded to one song and one difficulty level [b]Controls[/b] Both the face buttons and Joystick are in play for the directions in game. Hold down Select in game to exit back to main menu. B: Forward/Select in Menus [b]What next[/b] I unfortunately don't have any plans to continue this project until at least the Report (that I have to do) is done. Even then I will be planning to redo/redesign the backend of the 2D engine to increase the performence and possibly entering the Community Game Competition with a different game. However the source is available (for non commercial use) and there hooks are there for loading other songs, it is just lacking a song browser game state at present. Bear in mind that my 2D backend is a chore to use (hence the redesign) but if you need any help, drop me a PM at http://gp32x.com. [b]Extra Note to developers[/b] If you have some time to kill, can you look through my code and criticise it to death? I am focusing where the bottlenecks are in the back-end causing the FPS to be so low (note that it is frame capped at present) so if you find something, I will be very grateful. Finally, if I have missed anything in terms of the LGPL etc, let me know, I will rectify it as soon as I can.