MSX-2 (2051 дисковая игра) Игры тут не ROM, а DSK - т. е. распространявшиеся не на картриджах а на дискетах. Некоторые игры занимают по нескольку дискет. Список игр прилагается: 123 (19xx) 1942 (1987)(Ascii)(Jp) 1942 (1987)(Ascii)(Jp)[a] 3 Square (1993)(Emphasis) 31 (1995)(Meuse Soft) 3D Fire (1987)(Octopus Bros) 3D Fire (1987)(Octopus Bros)[a] 4Th Unit 3, The (19xx)(Data West)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) 4Th Unit 3, The (19xx)(Data West)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) 4Th Unit, The (19xx)(Data West)(Jp) 7 Narabe Nights (1990)(Satico)(Jp) 7 Narabe Nights (1990)(Satico)(Jp)[a] 7 Narabe Nights (1990)(Satico)(Jp)[a2] Abunai (19xx)(Agorm)(Jp) Acrojet (1985)(System Soft) Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Heroes Of The Lance (1991)(Pony Canyon)(Jp-E)[dd] Aerobic (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp) Aerobic (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 1 of 2) Aerobic (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 2 of 2) Afterdark - Harajuku (19xx)(Kogado) Agees (19xx)(Kogado)(Jp) Akanbe Dragon (1988)(Hidaka) Al Capone (1987)(Msx-Studio)(Nl) Aleste (1988)(Compile)(Jp) Aleste (1988)(Compile)(Jp)[a2] Aleste 2 (1989)(Compile)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Aleste 2 (1989)(Compile)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Aleste 2 (1989)(Compile)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Aleste Gaiden (1989)(Compile)(Jp) Algo Wars (1989)(Msx Magazine)(Jp) Alice (1989)(Wao)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 8) Alice (1989)(Wao)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 8) Alice (1989)(Wao)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 8) Alice (1989)(Wao)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 8) Alice (1989)(Wao)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 8) Alice (1989)(Wao)(Jp)(Disk 6 of 8) Alice (1989)(Wao)(Jp)(Disk 7 of 8) Alice (1989)(Wao)(Jp)(Disk 8 of 8) Alice Soft Demo (1989)(Alice Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Alice Soft Demo (1989)(Alice Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Alien Slime (1990)(Ax-Alex & Raketto) Alien Slime (1990)(Ax-Alex & Raketto)[a] Aliens 2 (1987)(Activision) Aliens 2 (1987)(Activision)[a] Aliens 2 (1987)(Activision)[a2] Amazing Cash (1990)(Experience Soft) Amazonas (1987)(Idealogic)(Sp) Amazonas (1987)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 1 of 3) Amazonas (1987)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 2 of 3) Amazonas (1987)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 3 of 3) American Soccer (1987)(Nidecom) American Soccer (1987)(Nidecom)[a] American Succes (19xx)(Jp) Am-Pah-Mata (19xx)(Jp) An Uncle In Brazil (1995)(Abyss) Anatomie De L'Homme (1987)(Forum Micros)(Sp) Anatomie De L'Homme (1987)(Forum Micros)(Sp)[a] Ancient Ys Vanished Omen (1987)(Falcom)(Jp) Ancient Ys Vanished Omen 2 (1988)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Ancient Ys Vanished Omen 2 (1988)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Ancient Ys Vanished Omen 2 (1988)(Falcom)(Jp-En)(Disk 1 of 2)[tr] Ancient Ys Vanished Omen 2 (1988)(Falcom)(Jp-En)(Disk 2 of 2)[tr] Ancient Ys Vanished Omen 3 (1989)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4) Ancient Ys Vanished Omen 3 (1989)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4) Ancient Ys Vanished Omen 3 (1989)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 4) Ancient Ys Vanished Omen 3 (1989)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4) Ancient Ys Vanished Omen 3 (1989)(Falcom)(Jp-En)(Disk 1 of 4)[tr] Ancient Ys Vanished Omen 3 (1989)(Falcom)(Jp-En)(Disk 2 of 4)[tr] Ancient Ys Vanished Omen 3 (1989)(Falcom)(Jp-En)(Disk 3 of 4)[tr] Ancient Ys Vanished Omen 3 (1989)(Falcom)(Jp-En)(Disk 4 of 4)[tr] Ancient Ys Vanished, Omen 1 (1987)(Falcom) Ancient Ys Vanished, Omen 1 (1987)(Falcom)(Jp) Ancient Ys Vanished, The Final Chapter (1988)(Falcom)(Disk 2 of 2) Ancient Ys Vanished, The Final Chapter (1988)(Falcom)(Sp)(Disk 1 of 2) Ancient Ys Vanished, The Final Chapter (1988)(Falcom)(Sp)(Disk 2 of 2) Ancient Ys Vanished, The Final Chapter (1988)(Falcom)(Userdisk) Ancient Ys Vanished, Wanderers From Ys (1989)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4) Ancient Ys Vanished, Wanderers From Ys (1989)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4) Ancient Ys Vanished, Wanderers From Ys (1989)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 4) Ancient Ys Vanished, Wanderers From Ys (1989)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4) Ancient Ys Vanished, Wanderers From Ys (1989)(Falcom)(Jp)(Userdisk) Ancient Ys Vanished, Wanderers From Ys (1989)(Falcom)(Sp)(Disk 4 of 4) Ancient Ys Vanished, Wanderers From Ys (1989)(Falcom)(Sp)(Userdisk) Ancient Ys Vanished, Wanderers From Ys (1989)(Falcom)(Userdisk) Andorogynus (1988)(Telenet)(Jp) Andorogynus (1988)(Telenet)(Jp)[a] Angelus (1989)(Enix)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Angelus (1989)(Enix)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Angelus (1989)(Enix)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Anger (19xx)(Marx) Animal Land (1987)(Enix)(Jp) Animal Land (1987)(Enix)(Jp)[a] Ankoku (19xx)(Jp) Anmas Amusement Disk (1992)(Anma) Anoid (19xx)(-) Arc (demo) (1989)(Parallax) Arc Demo (19xx)(Parallax) Arctic (1987)(Pony) Arcus (1987)(Wolf Team)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Arcus (1987)(Wolf Team)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3)[a] Arcus (1987)(Wolf Team)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Arcus (1987)(Wolf Team)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3)[a] Arcus (1987)(Wolf Team)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Arcus 2 The Silent Symphony (19xx)(Wolf Team)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4) Arcus 2 The Silent Symphony (19xx)(Wolf Team)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4)[a] Arcus 2 The Silent Symphony (19xx)(Wolf Team)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4) Arcus 2 The Silent Symphony (19xx)(Wolf Team)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4)[a] Arcus 2 The Silent Symphony (19xx)(Wolf Team)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 4) Arcus 2 The Silent Symphony (19xx)(Wolf Team)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4) Arcus 2 The Silent Symphony (19xx)(Wolf Team)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4)[a] Arcuso Arch (19xx)(Wolfteam)(Jp) Arkanoid Revenge Of Doh (1989)(Taito) Arkanoid Revenge Of Doh (1989)(Taito)[a] Arkanoid Revenge Of Doh (1989)(Taito)[a2] Arklight (1990)(Scap Trust)(Jp) Arsene Lupin 2 (1988)(Toho Cinefile)(Jp) Arsene Lupin 2 (1988)(Toho Cinefile)(Jp)[a] Arsene Lupin 2 (1988)(Toho Cinefile)(Jp)[a2] Asada Tetsuya No Akyoo Mahjon (19xx)(Pony)(Jp) Ashguine (1987)(Micro Cabin)(Jp) Ashguine (1987)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)[a] Ashguine 2 (1987)(T&E Soft) Ashguine 2 (1987)(T&E Soft)[a] Ashguine 2 (1987)(T&E Soft)[a2] Asteka 2 - Taiyou No Shinden (1987)(Falcom)(Jp) Asteka 2 - Taiyou No Shinden (1987)(Falcom)(Jp)[a] Asteka 2 - Taiyou No Shinden (1987)(Falcom)(Jp)[a2] Atch Project (1996)(Gigamix)(Jp) Atch Project (1996)(Gigamix)(Jp)[a] Aura Battler Dunbine (1991)(Family Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 6) Aura Battler Dunbine (1991)(Family Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 6) Aura Battler Dunbine (1991)(Family Soft)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 6) Aura Battler Dunbine (1991)(Family Soft)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 6) Aura Battler Dunbine (1991)(Family Soft)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 6) Aura Battler Dunbine (1991)(Family Soft)(Jp)(Disk 6 of 6) Avenger Of Death, The (19xx)(System Breaker) Aventure Of Randar III (1990)(Compile)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 5) Aventure Of Randar III (1990)(Compile)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 5) Aventure Of Randar III (1990)(Compile)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 5) Aventure Of Randar III (1990)(Compile)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 5) Aventure Of Randar III (1990)(Compile)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 5) Axe The Real Scc (1989)(BCF) Ayayo'S Love (19xx)(Disk Station)(Jp) Ayayo's Love (19xx)(Disk Station)(Jp)[a] Babel. The New Megablocks (1994)(Cabinet) Back To The Future (1986)(Pony)(Jp) Bad Max (19xx)(Transoft)(Fr)(Disk 1 of 3) Bad Max (19xx)(Transoft)(Fr)(Disk 2 of 3) Bad Max (19xx)(Transoft)(Fr)(Disk 3 of 3) Balance Of Power (1985)(Ascii)(Jp) Ballout (1988)(Studio Hg) Ballout 2 (1988)(Studio Hg) Ballout Special (1989)(Studio Hg) Bank Buster (19xx)(Eurosoft)(Nl) Bank Buster (19xx)(Eurosoft)(Nl)[a] Bank Buster (19xx)(Eurosoft)(Nl)[a2] Barbarian (1988)(Ford Perfect) Barunba (1990)(Namcot) Barunba (1990)(Namcot)[a] Basaro Attacker (19xx)(-) Baseball Ascii (1987)(Ascii) Bass Demo, The (1988)(Xela Soft) Bass Demo, The (1988)(Xela Soft)[a] Bastard (1987)(Xain Soft) Battle Front Europe (19xx)(Koei)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Battle Front Europe (19xx)(Koei)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Be-Bop Bout (1994)(Marz Project)(Electromagic) Be-Bop Bout (1994)(Marz Project)[a](Electromagic) Bedroom Olympic (1987)(MegaSoft) Bedroom Olympic (1987)(MegaSoft)[a] Beppin (1988)(Cain)(Jp) Beyond (1986)(Short Program Island) Beyond (1986)(Short Program Island)[a] Bilupani (1990)(N&M Soft)(Jp) Black Cyclon (1989)(Parallax)(Disk 1 of 2) Black Cyclon (1989)(Parallax)(Disk 2 of 2) Blade Lords (1997)(Parallax) Blade Lords (1997)(Parallax)[a] Boggle (1992)(Tiple Soft)(Nl) Boggle (1992)(Tiple Soft)(Nl)[a] Bon Ball (1991)(Kam's Soft) Bon Ball (1991)(Kam's Soft)[a] Bonball (1991)(Kamissoft)(Jp) Bozos Big Adventura (1992)(Sunrise) Breaker (1987)(Radar Soft) Breaker (1987)(Radar Soft)[a] Breaker (1994)(Electro Logic Studio)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Breaker (1994)(Electro Logic Studio)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Brisk (1994)(Triple Soft)(Nl) Bubble Bobble (1987)(Taito) Bubble Bobble (1987)(Taito)[a] Bubbles (1989)(MGF)(Nl) Bubbles (1989)(MGF)(Nl)[a] Bubbles (1989)(MGF)[a] Burai (1990)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 6) Burai (1990)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 6) Burai (1990)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 6) Burai (1990)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 6) Burai (1990)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 6) Burai (1990)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)(Disk 6 of 6) Burai 2 (19xx)(River Hill Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 9) Burai 2 (19xx)(River Hill Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 9) Burai 2 (19xx)(River Hill Soft)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 9) Burai 2 (19xx)(River Hill Soft)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 9) Burai 2 (19xx)(River Hill Soft)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 9) Burai 2 (19xx)(River Hill Soft)(Jp)(Disk 6 of 9) Burai 2 (19xx)(River Hill Soft)(Jp)(Disk 7 of 9) Burai 2 (19xx)(River Hill Soft)(Jp)(Disk 8 of 9) Burai 2 (19xx)(River Hill Soft)(Jp)(Disk 9 of 9) Butaporc (19xx)(T&E Soft)(Jp) ButaPorc (19xx)(T&E Soft)(Jp)[a] Butaporc (19xx)(T&E Soft)(Jp)[a2] Canvasa (19xx)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Canvasa (19xx)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Canvasa (19xx)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Captures Double Vision (1987)(-) Castle Adventure (1991)(Drack Soft)(Nl) Castle Adventure (1991)(Drack Soft)(Nl)[a] Castle Adventure (1991)(Drack Soft)(Nl)[a2] Castle Of Blackburn (19xx)(Top Soft) Castle Of Blackburn (19xx)(Top Soft)[a] Castle Of Zariostro, The (1987)(Toho Cinefile) Castle Of Zariostro, The (1987)(Toho Cinefile)[a] Castle Of Zariostro, The (1987)(Toho Cinefile)[a2] Cats Nyan Puzzle (1989)(Compile) Celcion (1991)(SPC Soft) Celcion (1991)(SPC Soft)[a] Chess Game 2, The (1986)(Bytebusters) Chess Game 2, The (1986)(Bytebusters)[a] Choan Super (19xx)(Sequence)(Jp) Chopper 2 (1989)(Bytebusters) Chopper 2 (1989)(Bytebusters)[a] Chuka Taisen (1988)(Hot B)(Jp) Chuka Taisen (1988)(Hot B)(Jp)[a] Chuka Taisen (1988)(Hot-B)[a] Cita Con Rama (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 1 of 2) Cita Con Rama (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 2 of 2) City Fight (1986)(Pony)(Jp) Cochom (1987)(Fr) Cochom (1987)(Fr)[a] Cockpit, The (19xx)(Nidecom) Cockpit, The (19xx)(Nidecom)[a] Cocos (1995)(-) Cocos (1995)(-)[a] Colpo Groso (1988)(Mad Soft)(It) Columns (1990)(Telenet)(Jp) Columns (1990)(Telenet)(Jp)[a] Colums (1995)(-) Colums (1995)[a] Compile'S Music (1988)(-) Conqueror (1992)(Taracot) Construction Craze (1990)(Paragon) Cosmic Soldier (1985)(Br) Cosmic Soldier (1985)(Br)[a] Cowboyana Jones (1991)(Nl) Cowboyana Jones (1991)(Nl)[a] Crafton & Xunk (1987)(Ere) Crafton & Xunk (1987)(Ere)[a] Craze (1988)(Heart Soft)(Jp) Craze (1988)(Heart Soft)(Jp)[a] Crimson 1 (1987)(Xtal Soft)(Jp) Crimson 2 (1989)(Xtal Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Crimson 2 (1989)(Xtal Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Crimson 3 (1990)(Xtalsoft)(Jp)(Disk 1of 3) Crimson 3 (1990)(Xtalsoft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Crimson 3 (1990)(Xtalsoft)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Cross Blaim (1986)(DB Soft) Cross Blaim (1986)(DB Soft)[a] Cubo Rubik (1987)(Nl) Cubo Rubik (1987)(Nl)[a] Cutdown (1987)(Gen Soft) Cutdown (1987)(Gen Soft)[a] Cyber Punk Adventure Snatcher (1988)(Konami)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Cyber Punk Adventure Snatcher (1988)(Konami)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Cyber Punk Adventure Snatcher (1988)(Konami)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Cybernetic Highschool (19xx)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Cybernetic Highschool (19xx)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Cybernetic Hi-School (19xx)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Cybernetic Hi-School 2 - Highway Buster (19xx)(Gainax)(Disk 1 of 3) Cybernetic Hi-School 2 - Highway Buster (19xx)(Gainax)(Disk 2 of 3) Cybernetic Hi-School 2 - Highway Buster (19xx)(Gainax)(Disk 3 of 3) Cytron (1994)(-) D.C. Connection (1989)(River Hill Soft)(Disk 1 of 3) D.C. Connection (1989)(River Hill Soft)(Disk 2 of 3) D.C. Connection (1989)(River Hill Soft)(Disk 3 of 3) Daikokai Jidai (19xx)(Koei)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Daikokai Jidai (19xx)(Koei)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Daisenryaku 2. Super Risk Campaign v2. (1992)(System Soft)(Disk 1 of 2) Daisenryaku 2. Super Risk Campaign v2. (1992)(System Soft)(Disk 2 of 2) Daiva 4 (1986-1987)(T&E Soft)(Jp)[dd] Daiva 5 (1986-1987)(T&E Soft)(Jp) Daiva IV Asura'S Bloodfeud (1988)(T&E Soft) Daiva IV Asura'S Bloodfeud (1988)(T&E Soft)[a] Daiva V The Cup Of Soma (1988)(T&E Soft) Dante (1990)(Msx Magazine)(Jp) Dante 2 (1992)(Msx Magazine)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 7) Dante 2 (1992)(Msx Magazine)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 7) Dante 2 (1992)(Msx Magazine)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 7) Dante 2 (1992)(Msx Magazine)(Jp)(Disk 6 of 7) Dante 2 (1992)(Msx Magazine)(Jp)(Disk 7 of 7) Dark Sider (19xx)(City Factory)(Jp) Dark Sider (19xx)(City Factory)(Jp)[a] Darwin 4078 (1988)(Hudson Soft) Darwin 4078 (1988)(Hudson Soft)[a] Darwin 4078 (1988)(Hudson Soft)[a2] Dass (1992)(Msx Engine) Databook (19xx)(Jp) De Sekte (1986)(Radar Soft)(Nl) De Sekte (1986)(Radar Soft)(Nl)[a] Dead Of The Brain Day Of The Living Dead (19xx)(Nightmare Collection)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Dead Of The Brain Day Of The Living Dead (19xx)(Nightmare Collection)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Dead Of The Brain Day Of The Living Dead (19xx)(Nightmare Collection)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Deep Forest (1987)(Xain Soft)(Jp) Deep Forest (1987)(Xain Soft)(Jp)[a] Deep Forest (1987)(Xain Soft)(Jp)[a2] Defcon (1989)(Cesium 137) Defcon (1989)(Cesium 137)[a] Delta Force (1990)(Experience Soft)(Nl) Demo Digitalizaciones (1987)(Majara Soft)(Sp) Destroyer (1986)(Mind Games) Destroyer (1986)(Mind Games)[a] Detective Story (1993)(Timmy Soft)(Nl) Diablo (1991)(Ascii) Diablo (1991)(Ascii)[a] Diablo (1991)(Ascii-Broderbund)(Jp) Didageki (19xx)(Jp) Digan No Maseki (19xx)(Gdleen)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 6) Digan No Maseki (19xx)(Gdleen)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 6) Digan No Maseki (19xx)(Gdleen)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 6) Digan No Maseki (19xx)(Gdleen)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 6) Digan No Maseki (19xx)(Gdleen)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 6) Digan No Maseki (19xx)(Gdleen)(Jp)(Disk 6 of 6) Digger (1987)(Data Beutner Kg)(De) Digger (1987)(Data Beutner Kg)(De)[a] Digger (1987)(Data Beutner Kg)(Nl)[a] Dimies (1991)(H-Corp) Dinamic Publiser (1994)(RB Soft) Dinamic Publiser (1994)(RB Soft)[a] Dios (1990)(Zain Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 5) Dios (1990)(Zain Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 5) Dios (1990)(Zain Soft)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 5) Dios (1990)(Zain Soft)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 5) Dios (1990)(Zain Soft)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 5) Dires (1988)(Bothtec) Dires (1988)(Bothtec)[a] Diskcoo 3 (1989)(Fabrice)(Fr) Diskcoo 3 (1989)(Fabrice)(Fr)[a] Dix (1992)(Msx Engine) Dix (1992)(Msx Engine)[a] Dix Demo (1991)(MSX Engine)(Nl) Dixdaef (19xx)(TecnoSoft)(Jp) Dizzy (1992)(Msx Engine) Django Collection 1 (1989)(Django)(Fr) Django Collection 1 (1989)(Django)(Fr)[a] Django Collection 2 (1989)(Django)(Fr) Django Collection 2 (1989)(Django)(Fr)[a] Dome (1989)(Sacom)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Dome (1989)(Sacom)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Dot Designers Club (1989)(T&E Soft)(Jp) Dot Designers Club (1989)(T&E Soft)(Jp)[a] Dragon Buster (1987)(Namcot)(Jp) Dragon Buster (1987)(Namcot)(Jp)[t] Dragon Buster (1987)(Namcot)[a] Dragon City X (19xx)(Fairy Tale)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4) Dragon City X (19xx)(Fairy Tale)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4) Dragon City X (19xx)(Fairy Tale)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 4) Dragon City X (19xx)(Fairy Tale)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4) Dragon Knight (1989)(Elf)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4) Dragon Knight (1989)(Elf)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4) Dragon Knight (1989)(Elf)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 4) Dragon Knight (1989)(Elf)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4) Dragon Knight 2 (1991)(Elf)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 9) Dragon Knight 2 (1991)(Elf)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 9) Dragon Knight 2 (1991)(Elf)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 9) Dragon Knight 2 (1991)(Elf)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 9) Dragon Knight 2 (1991)(Elf)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 9) Dragon Knight 2 (1991)(Elf)(Jp)(Disk 6 of 9) Dragon Knight 2 (1991)(Elf)(Jp)(Disk 7 of 9) Dragon Knight 2 (1991)(Elf)(Jp)(Disk 8 of 9) Dragon Knight 2 (1991)(Elf)(Jp)(Disk 9 of 9) Dragon Quest II (1987)(Enix)(Jp) Dragon Quest II (1987)(Enix)(Jp)[a] Dragon Quiz (1988)(Compile)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Dragon Quiz (1991)(Compile)(Jp) Dragon Slayer 2, Xanadu (1986)(Falcom)(Jp) Dragon Slayer 2, Xanadu (1986)(Falcom)(Jp)(Userdisk) Dragon Slayer 2, Xanadu (1986)(Falcom)(Jp)[a] Dragon Slayer 3, Romancia (1986)(Falcom)(Jp) Dragon Slayer 3, Romancia (1986)(Falcom)(Jp)[a] Dragon Slayer 4, The Drasle Family (1987)(Falcom)(Jp) Dragon Slayer 5, Sorcerian (1987)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4) Dragon Slayer 5, Sorcerian (1987)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4) Dragon Slayer 5, Sorcerian (1987)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 4) Dragon Slayer 5, Sorcerian (1987)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4) Dragon Slayer 6 (1990)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4)[h] Dragon Slayer 6 (1990)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4)[h] Dragon Slayer 6 (1990)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 4)[h] Dragon Slayer 6 (1990)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4)[h] Dragon Slayer 6 (1990)(Falcom)(Jp-En)(Disk 1 of 4)[tr] Dragon Slayer 6 (1990)(Falcom)(Jp-En)(Disk 2 of 4)[tr] Dragon Slayer 6 (1990)(Falcom)(Jp-En)(Disk 3 of 4)[tr] Dragon Slayer 6 (1990)(Falcom)(Jp-En)(Disk 4 of 4)[tr] Dragon Slayer 6, The Legend Of Heroes (1990)(Falcom)(Disk 1 of 4) Dragon Slayer 6, The Legend Of Heroes (1990)(Falcom)(Disk 2 of 4) Dragon Slayer 6, The Legend Of Heroes (1990)(Falcom)(Disk 3 of 4) Dragon Slayer 6, The Legend Of Heroes (1990)(Falcom)(Disk 4 of 4) Dragon Slayer 6, The Legend Of Heroes (1990)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4) Dragon Slayer 6, The Legend Of Heroes (1990)(Falcom)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4) Dragon Slayer 6, The Legend Of Heroes (1990)(Falcom)(Userdisk) Dragon World (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 1 of 3) Dragon World (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 1 of 3)[a] Dragon World (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 2 of 3) Dragon World (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 2 of 3)[a] Dragon World (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 3 of 3) Dragon World (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 3 of 3)[a] Dragons Eye Super Shangai (1991)(Hot-B)(Jp) Dream Program System (19xx)(Alice Soft)(Jp) Druid (1987)(Dexter)(Jp) Druid (1987)(Dexter)(Jp)[a] Druid (1987)(Dexter)[a] Dungeon Striker (19xx)(Mj-2 Software)(Jp) Dynamite Bowl (1987)(Toshiba) Dynamite Bowl (1987)(Toshiba)[a] Dynamite Bowl (1987)(Toshiba)[a2] Eagle War - Erenubu Elslid (19xx)(NCS)(Jp) Eagle War. Erenubu. Elslid (19xx)(Ncs)(Jp)[a] Earth (1996)(GWs Workshop) Ease (1987)(Opera Soft)(Sp) Ease (1987)(Opera Soft)(Sp)[a] Ease (1987)(Opera Soft)(Sp)[a2] Ease (1987)(Opera Soft)(Sp)[a3] Eastland Campaing (19xx)(Medo)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Eastland Campaing (19xx)(Medo)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) El Mago De Oz (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 1 of 2) El Mago De Oz (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 2 of 2) Emerald Dragon (19xx)(Glodia)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 5) Emerald Dragon (19xx)(Glodia)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 5)[a] Emerald Dragon (19xx)(Glodia)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 5) Emerald Dragon (19xx)(Glodia)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 5)[a] Emerald Dragon (19xx)(Glodia)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 5) Emerald Dragon (19xx)(Glodia)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 5)[a] Emerald Dragon (19xx)(Glodia)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 5) Emerald Dragon (19xx)(Glodia)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 5)[a] Emerald Dragon (19xx)(Glodia)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 5) Emerald Dragon (19xx)(Glodia)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 5)[a] Endlos (1986)(Radar Soft)(Nl) Endlos (1986)(Radar Soft)(Nl)[a] Energy Crash (19xx)(-) Energy Crash (19xx)(-)[a] English Holidays (1986)(Philips) Erotic Pac #1 (1989)(Sink System)(Fr)(Disk 1 of 2) Erotic Pac #1 (1989)(Sink System)(Fr)(Disk 2 of 2) Evil Spirit (1992)(-) Exterlien (19xx)(DO)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Exterlien (19xx)(DO)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Exterlien (19xx)(DO)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Eye, The (1987)(Endurance) Eye, The (1987)(Endurance)[a] F1 Namcot (1988)(Namcot)(Jp) Fac Demo, The (1988)(Gizmo) Fahrenheit 451 (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp) Fairyland Story, The (1987)(Hot-B) Fairyland Story, The (1987)(Hot-B)[a] Famicle Parodic (1989)(Bit2) Famicle Parodic 2 (1988)(Bit2)(Disk 1 of 2) Famicle Parodic 2 (1988)(Bit2)(Disk 2 of 2) Family Billiards (1989)(Pack In Video)(Sp)(Genesis) Family Billiards (1989)(Pack In Video)(Sp)[a](Genesis) Family Billiards (1989)(Pack-in-Video)(Jp)[dd] Family Boxing (1988)(Sony) Family Boxing (1988)(Sony)[a] Family Boxing (1988)(Woodplace)(Jp)[dd] Fantasm Soldier 2 - Valis, The (1989)(Telenet-Reno)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4) Fantasm Soldier 2 - Valis, The (1989)(Telenet-Reno)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4) Fantasm Soldier 2 - Valis, The (1989)(Telenet-Reno)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 4) Fantasm Soldier 2 - Valis, The (1989)(Telenet-Reno)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4) Fantasm Soldier 2, Valis, The (1989)(Telenet-Reno)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4)[a] Fantasm Soldier 2, Valis, The (1989)(Telenet-Reno)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 4)[a] Fantasm Soldier 2, Valis, The (1989)(Telenet-Reno)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4)[a] Fantasm Soldier, The (1987)(Telenet)(Jp)[dd] Fantasy Zone (1986)(Sega)(Jp)[dd] Fantasy Zone 2 (1987)(Pony) Fantasy Zone 2 (1987)(Pony)[a] Feedback (1988)(Tecnosoft)(Jp) Final Countdown (1987)(Bytebusters) Final Countdown (1987)(Bytebusters)[a] Final Fantasy (1985)(Cia & Pmm)(Jp) Final Fantasy (1985)(Cia & Pmm)(Jp)(Userdisk) Final Potential (1990)(Msx Magazine)(Jp)(Anma) Final Zone (1986)(Telenet)(Jp)[dd] Finally Wizard (1989)(Data System)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Finally Wizard (1989)(Data System)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Finally Wizard (1989)(Data System)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Fireball (1987)(Humming Bird Soft) Fireball (1987)(Humming Bird Soft)[a] Firebird. Hinotori (1987)(Konami) Fishing (1986)(19XX)(Jp) Fishing Freak (1989)(Cross Media)(Jp)[dd] Fishing Freak. Sampeise (1989)(Cross Media)(Jp) Fishing Freak. Sampeise (1989)(Cross Media)(Jp)[a] Fleet Commander II (1990)(Ascii)(Jp) Fleet Commander II (1990)(Ascii)(Jp)[a] Fleet Commander II (1990)(Ascii)(Jp)[dd] Fony's Demo Disk 1 (1991)(Fony) For The Day 2 (1990)(Mirinae Soft)(Disk 1 of 3) For The Day 2 (1990)(Mirinae Soft)(Disk 2 of 3) For The Day 2 (1990)(Mirinae Soft)(Disk 3 of 3) Fray (1990)(Microcabin)(En)[tr](Disk 1 of 4)[dd] Fray (1990)(Microcabin)(En)[tr](Disk 2 of 4)[dd] Fray (1990)(Microcabin)(En)[tr](Disk 3 of 4)[dd] Fray (1990)(Microcabin)(En)[tr](Disk 4 of 4)[dd] Fray In Magical Adventure (1990)(Micro Cabin)(It)(Disk 1 of 4) Fray In Magical Adventure (1990)(Micro Cabin)(It)(Disk 3 of 4) Fray In Magical Adventure (1990)(Micro Cabin)(It)(Disk 4 of 4) Fray In Magical Adventure (1990)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4) Fray In Magical Adventure (1990)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4) Fray In Magical Adventure (1990)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 4) Fray In Magical Adventure (1990)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4) Fray Promo (1990)[Ja][Microcabin] Fruta Prohibida (1988)(Fr) Fruta Prohibida (1988)(Fr)[a] Fun-Demo (1991)(FCS)(Nl) Fun-Demo (1991)(FCS)(Nl)[a] Future Time Demo (1991)(Sander Soft) F-Zeru Ex (1991)(Madou Yochien) F-Zeru Ex (1991)(Madou Yochien)[a] Gagdius (1989)(Limia Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Gagdius (1989)(Limia Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Gaia (19xx)(Jp) Galf Streem (19xx)(Xain Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Galf Streem (19xx)(Xain Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Galf Streem (19xx)(Xain Soft)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Galf Streem (19xx)(Xain Soft)(Jp)(Userdisk) Gall Force (1986)(Sony) Gall Force (1986)(Sony)[a] Gall Force (1986)(Sony)[a2] Gallforce Eternal Story (1986)(Scaptrust)(Jp) Galmoon (19xx)(Maron Team)(Jp) Game Collection Special (1989)(Konami)(Jp) Gandhara (1988)(19XX)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Gandhara (1988)(19XX)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Gandhara (1988)(Y.Hata)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Gandhara (1988)(Y.Hata)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Garyuo King (1987)(Xain Soft)(Jp) Gaudi (1992)(Wolf Team)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4) Gaudi (1992)(Wolf Team)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4) Gaudi (1992)(Wolf Team)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 4) Gaudi (1992)(Wolf Team)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4) Genghis Khan (19xx)(Koei)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Genghis Khan (19xx)(Koei)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Ginden (1989)(Bothtec)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Ginden (1989)(Bothtec)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2)[a] Ginden (1989)(Bothtec)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Ginden (1989)(Bothtec)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2)[a] Girl Map (1990)(MAP)(Sp) Girls Control (19xx)(Hard)(Jp) Girly Block (1990)(The Links)(Jp) Girly Block (1990)(The Links)(Jp)[dd] Girly Block (1990)(The Links)[a] Gladius (1992)(-) Goldrush (1993)(WVA)(Nl) Goldrush (1993)(WVA)(Nl)[a] Golf, The (19xx)(Pack In Video)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Golf, The (19xx)(Pack In Video)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Golf, The (19xx)(Pack In Video)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Golvellius (1987)(Compile) Golvellius (1987)(Compile)[a] Golvellius (1987)(Compile)[a2] Goody (1987)(Operasoft)(Sp) Goody (1987)(Operasoft)(Sp)[b] Gram Cats (19xx)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Gram Cats (19xx)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Graph Saurus 2 (1991)(Bit 2)(Jp) Graph Saurus 2 v2.0 (1991)(Bit2)[a] Graph Saurus 2.0 (1991)(Bit2) Great Gianna Sisters, The (1989)(Sunrise) Greatest Drive (1988)(T&E Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Greatest Drive (1988)(T&E Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Greatest Drive 2D (1988)(T&E Soft) Greatest Drive 2D (1988)(T&E Soft)[a] Green Crystal (1991)(Compile)(Jp) Green Crystal (1991)(Compile)(Jp)[a] Gryzor - Contra (1989)(Konami) Gryzor - Contra (1989)(Konami)[a] Gryzor - Contra (1989)(Konami)[a2] Gulliver - Garibar (19xx)(CBC) Gunbuster (1990)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Gunbuster (1990)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Gunbuster (1990)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Gunship (1992)(Microprose) Hajafuin - Hajya (19xx)(-) Hajafuin - Hajya (19xx)(-)(Userdisk) Halnote (1986)(Hal) Happy Demo (19xx)(Merla Soft) Happy Demo (19xx)(Merla Soft)[a] Haradius (1991)(Impact Soft)(Jp) Hard Ball (1985)(Accolade) Hard Ball (1985)(Accolade)[a] Havoc, The (1990)(Traposoft) Havoc, The (1990)(Traposoft)[a] Herzog (1988)(Tecnosoft)(Jp) Herzog (1988)(Tecnosoft)(Jp)[a] Hexion 2 (19xx)(Dob)(Jp) Hideger (19xx)(Jp) Hideger (19xx)(Userdisk)(Jp) Higemaru (1987)(Capcom)(Jp) Higemaru (1987)(Capcom)(Jp)[a] High School Story (19xx)(Great)(Jp) Hiranya No Mazo (1986)(Pony)(Jp) Hokkaido - Gokdo (19xx)(Micronet) Hole In One Special (1987)(Hal) Hole In One Special (1987)(Hal)[a] Hot Love 2 (19xx)(-) How Many Robot (1988)(Artdink)(Jp) Hydefos (1989)(Hertz)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Hydefos (1989)(Hertz)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Hydlide (1985)(T&E Soft)(En) Hydlide 1 (1984)(T&E Soft) Hydlide 2 (1985)(T&E Soft)(Jp)[dd] Hydlide 3 (1987)(T&E Soft) Hydlide 3 (1987)(T&E Soft)[a] Ifr-Fly (1988)(Philips) Ikari Warriors (1987)(SNK)(Jp) Ikari Warriors (1987)(SNK)(Jp)[dd] In The World Of Relics (1989)(Bothtec) In The World Of Relics (1989)(Bothtec)[a] Indianquest (1992)(Office Pasta)(Jp) Infinity (1991)(Experience Soft) Infinity (1991)(Experience Soft)[a] Inindo - El Camino Del Ninja (19xx)(Koei)(Disk 1 of 3) Inindo - El Camino Del Ninja (19xx)(Koei)(Disk 2 of 3) Inindo - El Camino Del Ninja (19xx)(Koei)(Disk 3 of 3) Ishido The Way Of Stones (1991)(Ascii)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Ishido The Way Of Stones (1991)(Ascii)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Jagur (1987)(Hudson Soft)(Jp) Jagur (1987)(Hudson Soft)(Jp)[a] Jajanbo (19xx)(-) Jesus (1989)(Enix)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Jesus (1989)(Enix)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Jesus (1989)(Enix)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Jiku No Hanayome, Heroic Fantasy (19xx)(Kogado)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Jiku No Hanayome, Heroic Fantasy (19xx)(Kogado)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Jiku No Hanayome, Heroic Fantasy (19xx)(Kogado)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Jiku No Hanayome, Heroic Fantasy (19xx)(Kogado)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Jiku No Hanayome, Heroic Fantasy Trainer (19xx)(Kogado)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Jipshi (19xx)(Champion Soft)(Jp) Join 4 (1995) Join 4 (1995)[a] Joker (1988)(Birdy Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Joker (1988)(Birdy Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Joker (1988)(Birdy Soft)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Joker II (1989)(Birdy Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4) Joker II (1989)(Birdy Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4) Joker II (1989)(Birdy Soft)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 4) Joker II (1989)(Birdy Soft)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4) Kamino Machi (1990)(Panther Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 5) Kamino Machi (1990)(Panther Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 5) Kamino Machi (1990)(Panther Soft)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 5) Kamino Machi (1990)(Panther Soft)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 5) Kamino Machi (1990)(Panther Soft)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 5) Karuizaw (1985)(Enix)(Jp) Karuizaw (1985)(Enix)(Jp)[a] Key, The (19xx) Key, The (19xx)[a] Kind Gal's (1988)(Hard)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Kind Gal's (1988)(Hard)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Kinetic Connection (1986)(Sony) King Knight (1986)(Square) King Knight (1986)(Square)[a] King Kong 2 (1986)(Konami)(Jp) King Kong 2 (1986)(Konami)(Jp)[a] King's Valley 2 (1988)(Konami) King'S Valley 2 (1988)(Konami)[a] Kioku - The Strongest Fandam's (19xx)(-) Kubikiri Yakata - Sachan Ghyan (1989)(Bit 2)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 5) Kubikiri Yakata - Sachan Ghyan (1989)(Bit 2)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 5) Kubikiri Yakata - Sachan Ghyan (1989)(Bit 2)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 5) Kubikiri Yakata - Sachan Ghyan (1989)(Bit 2)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 5) Kubikiri Yakata - Sachan Ghyan (1989)(Bit 2)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 5) Kujaku (19xx)(Pony)(Jp) Kutisakikaia (19xx)(Hard)(Jp) L. Elle (1992)(Elf)(Disk 1 of 7) L. Elle (1992)(Elf)(Disk 2 of 7) L. Elle (1992)(Elf)(Disk 3 of 7) L. Elle (1992)(Elf)(Disk 4 of 7) L. Elle (1992)(Elf)(Disk 5 of 7) L. Elle (1992)(Elf)(Disk 6 of 7) L. Elle (1992)(Elf)(Disk 7 of 7) La Circulation Du Sang (1987)(Forum Micros)(Sp) La Circulation Du Sang (1987)(Forum Micros)(Sp)[a] La Isla Del Tesoro (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 1 of 2) La Isla Del Tesoro (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 2 of 2) La Respiration (1987)(Forum Micros)(Sp) La Respiration (1987)(Forum Micros)(Sp)[a] La Valeur (1989)(Kogado)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) La Valeur (1989)(Kogado)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Labyrinth (19xx)(-)(Jp) Labyrinth (19xx)(Jp) L'Affaire (1986)(Infogrames)(Fr) L'Affaire (1986)(Infogrames)(Fr)[a] Laplas (1989)(Humming Bird Soft)(Jp) Laser Squad (19xx)(Hydra Soft Trento)(It) Laser Squad (19xx)(Hydra Soft Trento)(It)[a] Lasp Demo (1988)(Lasp) Last Armageddon (1988)(Brain Grey)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 5) Last Armageddon (1988)(Brain Grey)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 5) Last Armageddon (1988)(Brain Grey)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 5) Last Armageddon (1988)(Brain Grey)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 5) Last Armageddon (1988)(Brain Grey)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 5) Last Darumadedon (1989)(Sum Soft)(Jp) Last Darumadedon (1989)(Sum Soft)(Jp)[a] Last Mission, The (1985)(Opera Soft)(Sp) Laydock (1986)(T&E Soft)(Jp) Laydock (1986)(T&E Soft)(Jp)[a] Laydock 2 Last Attack (19xx)(T&E Soft)(Disk 1 of 2) Laydock 2 Last Attack (19xx)(T&E Soft)(Disk 2 of 2) Le Rallye Du Savoir (1987)(Forum Micros)(Fr) Le Rallye Du Savoir (1987)(Forum Micros)(Fr)[a] Le Squelette (1987)(Forum Micros)(Sp) Le Squelette (1987)(Forum Micros)(Sp)[a] Leather Skirts (1987)(Methodic Solutions) Leauty (19xx)(Jp) Legendly Knight (1988)(Topia) Legendly Knight (1988)(Topia)[a] Legendly Nine Gems (19xx)(Tecnosoft)(Jp) Lemmings (1997)(NI) L'Empereur (19xx)(Koei)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) L'Empereur (19xx)(Koei)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Lenam Sword Of Legend (1989)(Hertz)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4) Lenam Sword Of Legend (1989)(Hertz)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4) Lenam Sword Of Legend (1989)(Hertz)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 4) Leprechaun (1995)(Triple Soft)(Nl) Les Passagers Du Vent (19xx)(Infogrames)(Fr) Lick & Mick - Kumdan-F (1984)(Humming Bird Soft)(Jp) Lick & Mick (1984)(Humming Bird Soft)[a] Lick & Mick (1984)(Hummingbird Soft)(Jp)[dd] Lilo La Conquista De La Fama (1993)(Kai Magazine)(Sp)(Disk 1 of 2) Lilo La Conquista De La Fama (1993)(Kai Magazine)(Sp)(Disk 2 of 2) Lilo La Conquista De La Fama (1993)(Kai Magazine)(Sp)[2 Disks] Linebuster (1991)(Nl) Lingo (1992)(Newvision Benelux)(Nl) Lingo (1992)(Newvision Benelux)(Nl)[a] Litkeiba (19xx)(M2 Club)(Jp) Livingstone Supongo (1986)(Opera Soft)(Sp) Logic Blob (1996)(Eternal Interactive) Logic Blob (1996)(Eternal Interactive)[a] Lola (1989)(BCN) Lola (1989)(BCN)[a] Love To Casablanca (1987)(Thinking Rabbit)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Love To Casablanca (1987)(Thinking Rabbit)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Loves Disc 2 (19xx)(Office Pasta)(Jp) Lubeck (1989)(Msx Magazine) Lucha Con Dios En La Ciudad (1991)(Alice Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 8) Lucha Con Dios En La Ciudad (1991)(Alice Soft)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 8) Lucha Con Dios En La Ciudad (1991)(Alice Soft)(Jp)(Disk 8 of 8) Lulba (1990)(Compile)(Jp) Lulba 1 (1988)(Compile)(Jp) Lulba 2 (1988)(Compile)(Jp) Lulba 3 (1989)(Compile)(Jp) Lulba 3 (1989)(Compile)(Jp)[a] Madonna Yamaku (19xx)(Jp) Madonna Yamaku (19xx)(Jp)[a] Madoo Monogatori (1990)(Compile)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 5) Madoo Monogatori (1990)(Compile)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 5) Madoo Monogatori (1990)(Compile)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 5) Madoo Monogatori (1990)(Compile)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 5) Madoo Monogatori (1990)(Compile)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 5) Magical Labyrinth Remix, Promo Beta 1 (1995)(Gigamix)(Jp)(Promo) Magical Voice (1989)(Compile)(Jp) Magnar (1989)(Parallax)(Disk 1 of 3) Magnar (1989)(Parallax)(Disk 2 of 3) Magnar (1989)(Parallax)(Disk 3 of 3) Magnum - Prohibition 1931 (1988)(Toshiba) Magnum Prohibition 1931 (1988)(Toshiba)[a] Mahjong Kyo Special II (19xx)(Micronet)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Mahjong Kyo Special II (19xx)(Micronet)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Mahjong Shikaku (1990)(Nichibutsu)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Mahjong Shikaku (1990)(Nichibutsu)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3)[a] Mahjong Shikaku (1990)(Nichibutsu)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Mahjong Shikaku (1990)(Nichibutsu)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Maison Ikkoku (1987)(Micro Cabin)(Jp) Maison Ikkoku Final Episode (1988)(Micro Cabin)(Jp) Majutsushi. Mah-Jong 2 (1989)(Konami)(Jp) Majutsushi. Mah-Jong 2 (1989)(Konami)(Jp)[a] Makaif (19xx)(Wing)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Makaif (19xx)(Wing)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Makyu (19xx)(Jp) Malaya No Hihou (1988)(Pony) Malaya No Hihou (1988)(Pony)[a] Man I Love, Disk Mystery #4, The (19xx)(Thinking Rabbit)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Man I Love, Disk Mystery #4, The (19xx)(Thinking Rabbit)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Manhattan Requiem, Angels Flying In The Dark, Series #2 (19xx)(River Hill Soft)(Jp) Manhattan Requiem, Kiss Of Murder (1990)(River Hill Soft)(Jp) Marble Choco Let (1994)(-) Marble World (1989)(Peter Jess) Marble World (1989)(Peter Jess)[a] Marble World (1989)(Peter Jess)[b] Marchen (1991) Marchen (1991)[a] Marchen Veil (1986)(Sacom)(Jp) Marchen Veil (1986)(Sacom)(Jp)[a] Marchen Veil (1986)(Sacom)[a] Master Of Monsters (1988)(System Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Master Of Monsters (1988)(System Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Masters' History (19xx)(-)(Disk 1 of 3) Masters' History (19xx)(-)(Disk 2 of 3) Masters' History (19xx)(-)(Disk 3 of 3) Matrix v1.0 (1993)(BCN) Matrix v1.0 (1993)(BCN)[a] Mattix (19xx)(Pack In Video)(Jp) Megadoom (demo) (1992)(Fcs)(2 Disks) Megaz Monkeydo (1990)(Compile)(Jp) Membership Golf (1989)(Sony)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Membership Golf (1989)(Sony)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Metal Gear (1987)(Konami) Metal Gear (1987)(Konami)[a] Metal Gear (1987)(Konami)[a2] Metal Gear (1987)(Konami)[a3] Metal Gear 2 - Solid Snake (1990)(Konami) Meteorite Kiss (2000)(Suzumikaki's Factory) Meteorite Kiss (2000)(Suzumizaki's Factory)(En) Might And Magic Book Two, Gates To Another World! (19xx)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Might And Magic Book Two, Gates To Another World! (19xx)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Mighty Battle Skin Panic (1993)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4) Mighty Battle Skin Panic (1993)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4)[a] Mighty Battle Skin Panic (1993)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4) Mighty Battle Skin Panic (1993)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4)[a] Mighty Battle Skin Panic (1993)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 4) Mighty Battle Skin Panic (1993)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4) Mighty Battle Skin Panic (1993)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4)[a] Migicon Scroll Text (1991)(Slayerman) Milnas - Majingu, Strategic Role Play (19xx)(Xain Soft) Mine-Sveiper (1993)(Norhtwind)(Nl) Mine-Sveiper (1993)(Norhtwind)(Nl)[a] Missile Human, The (1989)(Sum Soft)(Jp) Missile Human, The (1989)(Sum Soft)(Jp)[a] Mission A (1989)(Lamant) Mission A (1989)(Lamant)[a] Mon Mon Monster (1989)(Hot-B) Mon Mon Monster (1989)(Hot-B)[a] Monoghatai. Binbin (1987)(East Cube) Moon Landing (1988)(Jp) Moon Landing (1988)(Jp)[a] Mouse Games (1988) Mouse Games (1988)[a] Moving School (1987)(Hard)(Jp) Moving Squares (1990)(-) Mr Ghost (1989)(Sacom)(Jp) Mr Ghost (1989)(Sacom)(Jp)[a] Mr Ghost (1989)(Sacom)(Jp)[dd] Mr Ghost 2 - Yurei (1989)(Sacom) Mr Ghost 2 - Yurei (1989)(Sacom)[a] Ms Field Gundam (1988)(Family Soft) MSX Fan - Fandom Library 8 (1990)(Tokuma Shoten)(Jp) Msx Wars 5 (19xx)(Syntax)(Jp) Msx2 Demo Digitalizaciones (1987)(Majara Soft)(Sp) Msx2 Spring (1989)(Asica)(Jp) Mule (19xx)(BPS)(Jp) Murder Club Final Mystery (19xx)(Micro Cabin)(Jp) Music Demo (19xx)(JLSA Soft)(Nl) Nekketsu Judo (1989)(Pony Canyon)(Jp) Nekketsu Judo (1989)(Pony Canyon)(Jp)[a] Nekketsu Judo (1989)(Pony Canyon)(Jp)[dd] New Legendly Nine Gems - Shinku (19xx)(Tecnosoft)(Disk 1 of 2) New Legendly Nine Gems - Shinku (19xx)(Tecnosoft)(Disk 2 of 2) Nichiyou Uchujin (19xx)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Nichiyou Uchujin (19xx)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Nightmare On Elmstreet 4 (19xx)(Unicorn) Nihongo Kotora Streeptease (1988)(Nihon Bussan)(Jp) Niko 2 (1991)(Wolf Team)(En) Ninja - Youmakor (1988)(Dexter) Ninja - Youmakor (1988)(Dexter)(Jp) Ninja (1988)(Bothtec)(Jp) Ninja Kun (1987)(Hal)(Jp) Ninja Kun (1987)(Hal)(Jp)[a] Ninja Kun (1987)(HAL)(Jp)[dd] Ninja Kun (1987)(Hal)[a] No Fuss (1991)(Anma) Nobu_F (19xx)(Koei)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Nobu_F (19xx)(Koei)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Nobunaga 1 (19xx)(Koei)(Jp) Nobunaga 3 (19xx)(Koei)(Jp) Nobunaga No Yabou Gaba (19xx)(Koei)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Nobunaga No Yabou Gaba (19xx)(Koei)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Nosh (1992)(Anma) Not Again! (1994)(Flying Bytes) Nueve Principes En Amber (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 1 of 3) Nueve Principes En Amber (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 2 of 3) Nueve Principes En Amber (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 3 of 3) Nukenin (19xx)(Brain Grey)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 5) Nukenin (19xx)(Brain Grey)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 5) Nukenin (19xx)(Brain Grey)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 5) Nukenin (19xx)(Brain Grey)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 5) Nukenin (19xx)(Brain Grey)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 5) Numarin 1 (1988)(Are System)(Jp) Numarin 2 (1989)(Are System)(Jp) Numarin 3 (1992)(Are System)(Jp) Nyancle Racing (1988)(Matsushita-Bit 2)(Jp) Ogre (19xx)(-) Ogre (19xx)[a] Onryod (19xx)(Wing)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4) Onryod (19xx)(Wing)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4) Onryod (19xx)(Wing)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 4) Onryod (19xx)(Wing)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4) Orange Road. Kimaore1 (1988)(Micro Cabin) Os Cavaleiros Do Zodiaco (1996) Os Cavaleiros Do Zodiaco (1996)[a] Ototch 2 (19xx)(Jp) Out Run (1988)(Pony) Out Run (1988)(Pony)[a] Out Run (1988)(Pony)[a2] Paccy (1993)(Gbsoft) Pacman (1993)(Egega) Pacman (1993)(Egega)[a] Palace Prohibited (1990)(Scap Trust) Palace Prohibited (1990)(Scap Trust)(Userdisk) Palamede (1990)(Hot-B) Palamede (1990)(Hot-B)[a] Pallmith (1991)(Elemental Soft) Pana Amusement Colection 1 (1990)(T&E Soft)(Jp) Pana Amusement Colection 1 (1990)(T&E Soft)(Jp)[a] Pana Amusement Colection 2 (1990)(T&E Soft)(Jp) Pana Amusement Colection 2 (1990)(T&E Soft)(Jp)[a] Paradream, Parallel Dream (1992)(Rac House) Patagoras, Los Gases (1986)(Philips)(Sp) Patagoras, Los Gases (1986)(Philips)(Sp)[a] Penguin Wars 2 (1988)(Ascii) Pennant Race 2- Baseball 3 (1989)(Konami) Pennant Race 2- Baseball 3 (1989)(Konami)(Jp) Pennant Race- Baseball 2 (1988)(Konami)(Jp) Pennant Race- Baseball 2 (1988)(Konami)(Jp)[a] Pennant Race- Baseball 2 (1988)(Konami)(Jp)[a2] Perfect Soko-Ban (19xx)(Micro Cabin)(Disk 1 of 2) Perfect Soko-Ban (19xx)(Micro Cabin)(Disk 2 of 2) Perry Mason (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 1 of 2) Perry Mason (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 1 of 2)[a] Perry Mason (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 2 of 2) Perry Mason (1986)(Idealogic)(Sp)(Disk 2 of 2)[a] Phantasie 4 (1991)(Starcraft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Phantasie 4 (1991)(Starcraft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Phantasie I (1988)(Starcraft)(Jp) Phantasie II (1989)(Starcraft)(Jp) Phantasie III (1990)(Starcraft)(Jp) Phantasie III (1990)(Starcraft)(Jp)(Userdisk) Playball 3 (1989)(Sony)(En) Playball 3 (1989)(Sony)(Jp) Playball 3 (1989)(Sony)(Jp)[a] Playboy Late Night (19xx)(Msx Club Challenger) Playboy, Alles Wat Mannen Boeit (1987)(Powersoft)(Nl) Playboy, Alles Wat Mannen Boeit (1987)(Powersoft)(Nl)[a] Pocky (19xx)(Pony)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Pocky (19xx)(Pony)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Pocky (19xx)(Pony)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Poles (1991)(Apl)(Jp) Pooyan (19xx)(Gerardin H)(Fr) Pooyan New (19xx)(Fr) Pooyan New (19xx)(Fr)[a] Power Ful 2 (1988)(DB Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4) Power Ful 2 (1988)(DB Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4) Power Ful 2 (1988)(DB Soft)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 4) Power Ful 2 (1988)(DB Soft)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4) Predator (1990)(Pack In Video)(En) Predator (1990)(Pack In Video)(En)[a] Predator (1990)(Pack In Video)[a] Predator (1990)(Pack-In-Video)(En)[dd] Princess (1989)(Sony)[a] Princess (1989)(Sony-CBS)(Jp) Princess (1989)(Sony-CBS)(Jp)[a] Princess Maker (1992)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 7) Princess Maker (1992)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 7) Princess Maker (1992)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 7) Princess Maker (1992)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 7) Princess Maker (1992)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 7) Princess Maker (1992)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 6 of 7) Princess Maker (1992)(Gainax)(Jp)(Disk 7 of 7) Project A2 (1987)(Pony) Project A2 (1987)(Pony)[a] Project A2 (1987)(Pony)[a2] Psy O Blade (1988)(T&E Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Psy O Blade (1988)(T&E Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Psy O Blade (1988)(T&E Soft)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Psychic War Cosmic Soldier 2 (19xx)(KDG Soft)(Jp) Psycho Ball (1993)(Rat) Psycho World (1988)(Hertz)(Jp) Psycho World (1988)(Hertz)(Jp)[b] Pumpkin Adventure (1991-1992)(PBS-Umax)(En) Pumpkin Adventure (1992)(Umax)[a] Pumpkin Adventure (1992-1991)(PBS-Umax)(En)[a] Pumpkin Adventure 3 (1995)(Umax)(En)[Promo] Pumpkin Adventure 3 Promo (1995)(Umax)(En) Punky 2 (1987)(Sony)[a] Punky 2-Sungma (1987)(Sony-CBS)(Jp) Punky 2-Sungma (1987)(Sony-CBS)(Jp)[dd] Purofan (1988)(Telenet)(Jp) Puyo Puyo (1991)(Compile) Puzzle (1987)(Robinsonsoft)(Nl) Puzzle In London (19xx)(Jp) Qix (19xx)(-) Qix (19xx)(-)[a] Qop (1991)(Lionsoft) Quadromania (1987)(Obisoft) Quadromania (1987)(Obisoft)[a] Quarth (1990)(Konami) Quarth (1990)(Konami)[a] Quattro (1989)(Fcs) Quinch (19xx)(MCEV) Quinpl (1988)(Bit2) Quiz Master (19xx)(Jp) Racing Cars - Mad Rider (1987)(Carry Lab)[a] Racing Cars. Mad Rider (1987)(Carry Lab) Rad Van Fortuin (1991)(NewVision)(Nl) Rad Van Fortuin (1991)(NewVision)(Nl)[a] Rairai (19xx)(-) Rairai (19xx)(-)[a] Randar I (1989)(Compile)(Jp) Randar II, Revenge Of Death (1989)(Compile)(Jp) Rastan Saga (1988)(Taito) Rastan Saga (1988)(Taito)[a] Ray Gun (1991)(Elf)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 5) Ray Gun (1991)(Elf)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 5) Ray Gun (1991)(Elf)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 5) Ray Gun (1991)(Elf)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 5) Ray Gun (1991)(Elf)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 5) Record Of Lodoss War (19xx)(Humming Bird Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 5) Record Of Lodoss War (19xx)(Humming Bird Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 5) Record Of Lodoss War (19xx)(Humming Bird Soft)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 5) Record Of Lodoss War (19xx)(Humming Bird Soft)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 5) Record Of Lodoss War (19xx)(Humming Bird Soft)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 5) Red Light Of Amsterdam (1988)(Aackosoft)(Sp) Red Light Of Amsterdam (1988)(Aackosoft)(Sp)[a] Replican (1987)(Sony) Replican (1987)(Sony)[a] Return Of Ishtar, The (1988)(Namcot) Return Of Ishtar, The (1988)(Namcot)(En)[h][dd] Return Of Ishtar, The (1988)(Namcot)[a] Return Of Jelda (1987)(Carry Lab) Return Of Jelda (1987)(Carry Lab)[a] Reviver Real Time Adventure (1987)(Arsys)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Reviver Real Time Adventure (1987)(Arsys)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Revolt 1789 (19xx)(Legent Software)(Fr)(Disk 1 of 3) Revolt 1789 (19xx)(Legent Software)(Fr)(Disk 2 of 3) Revolt 1789 (19xx)(Legent Software)(Fr)(Disk 3 of 3) Rick Dangerous Extra Levels (1991)(Paragon) Riot (1990)(Hatimitsu Demon) Risiko U.S.A. (1989)(-)(It) Risiko U.S.A. (1989)(Ifi)(Sp) Roads To Victory - Risk - Estrategic Art Of War (1986)(Micro Cabin) Roads To Victory - Risk - Estrategic Art Of War (1986)(Micro Cabin)[a] Robo Crush (1990)(System Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Robo Crush (1990)(System Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Robowres (19xx)(Zemina) Robowres (19xx)(Zemina)[a] Rogue Alliance (19xx)(Jp) Rona (19xx)(Dixie)(Jp) Royal Blood (19xx)(Koei)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Royal Blood (19xx)(Koei)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Royal Blood (19xx)(Koei)(Jp)(Userdisk) Rune Master (1989)(Compile)(Jp) Rune Master 2 (1990)(Compile)(Jp) Rune Master 2 (1990)(Compile)(Jp)[a] Rune Master 3 (1991)(Compile)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Rune Master 3 (1991)(Compile)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Rune Master 3 (1991)(Compile)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Rune Worth (1990)(T&E Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Rune Worth (1990)(T&E Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Rune Worth (1990)(T&E Soft)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Rune Worth (1990)(T&E Soft)(Jp)(Userdisk) Running Dragon (19xx)(Polysoft) Running Dragon (19xx)(Polysoft)[a] Ryukyu (19xx)(Login Soft) Sa Zi Ri - Saziri (1988)(Telenet) Salas Freehand v1.3 (19xx)(MSX Link International) Salas Freehand v1.3 (19xx)(MSX Link International)[a] Samurai - Ganbare Goemon (1987)(Konami)(Jp) Samurai - Ganbare Goemon (1987)(Konami)(Jp)[a2] Samurai. Ganbare Goemon (1987)(Konami)(Jp)[a] Sanae (1992)(-) Sangoku 1 (19xx)(Koei)(Jp) Sangoku 2 (19xx)(Koei)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Sangoku 2 (19xx)(Koei)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Sangoku 2 (19xx)(Koei)(Jp)(Userdisk) Schwarzschild (19xx)(Kogado)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Schwarzschild (19xx)(Kogado)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Schwarzschild II (19xx)(Kogado)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Schwarzschild II (19xx)(Kogado)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Scrabble Triton (1991)(Osaka Soft) Scrabble Triton (1991)(Osaka Soft)[a] Scramble Formation (1987)(Taito) Scramble Formation (1987)(Taito)[a] Sd Gundam 2 (1990)(Sunrise)(Jp) Sd Gundam 2 (1990)(Sunrise)(Jp)[a] Sea Sardine (1991)(Ascii) Sea Sardine (1991)(Ascii)[a] Seilane (1987)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Seilane (1987)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Sexy Pictures Puzzel (1987)(Pussy)(Nl) Sexy Pictures Puzzel (1987)(Pussy)(Nl)[a] Shadow Hero 3 (1993)(Syntax)(Jp) Shadow Hero 3 (1993)(Syntax)(Jp)[a] Shalom - Knightmare 3 (1987)(Konami)(Jp) Shalom - Knightmare 3 (1987)(Konami)(Jp)[a2] Shalom - Knightmare 3 (1987)(Konami)[a] Shanghai (1987)(System Soft) Shanghai 2 (1989)(System Soft) Shenan Dragon (1990)(Technopolis Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Shenan Dragon (1990)(Technopolis Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Shoot Them Up (19xx)(Fr) Shoot Them Up (19xx)(Fr)[a] Shrines Of Enigma (19xx)(Enigma) Shuffle Puck (19xx)(MAD) Shut The Box (19xx)(Fr) Shut The Box (19xx)(Fr)[a] Siete Y Medio House (19xx)(It) Siete Y Medio House (19xx)(It)[a] Silviana (1990)(Pack In Video)(Jp) Silviana (1990)(Pack In Video)(Jp)[a] Slgbanza (1991)(Msx Magazine)(Jp) Snakes & Laers (1988)(FSS) Snakes & Laers (1988)(FSS)[a] Sofia (1987)(Dempa) Sofia (1987)(Dempa)[a] Soldier Of Fisla (1990)(Compile)(Jp) Solid Snail (1994)(Vivid) Solid Snail (1994)(Vivid)[a] Solitaire (1990)(Gohsoft) Solitaire Royale (1988)(Game Arts) Sony Hb-F1Xv (1990)(Sony)(Jp) Space Force (19xx)(-) Space Force (19xx)[a] Space Manbow (1989)(Konami) Space Manbow (1989)(Konami)[a] Space War. Ginden II (1990)(Bothtec)(Disk 1 of 5) Space War. Ginden II (1990)(Bothtec)(Disk 2 of 5) Space War. Ginden II (1990)(Bothtec)(Disk 3 of 5) Space War. Ginden II (1990)(Bothtec)(Disk 4 of 5) Space War. Ginden II (1990)(Bothtec)(Disk 5 of 5) Speed Game (1989)(Soft House)(Jp) Speed Game (1989)(Soft House)(Jp)[a] Sphere 2 (19xx)(Sp) Sphere 2 (19xx)(Sp)[a] Spiel Borse (1987)(Nl) Spiel Borse (1987)(Nl)[a] Squeek (1991)(Anma) Star Ship Rendzvous (1988)(Scap Trust)(Jp) Star Ship Rendzvous Special Stage - Michelle (1988)(Scap Trust)(Jp) Star Virgin (19xx)(Jp) Star Virgin (19xx)(Jp)[a] Star Wars (19xx)(FT Soft) Steinzeit (19xx)(Data Beutner KG) Stone Of Agni, The (19xx)(Humming Bird Soft)(Jp) Strategic Mars (1988)(DB Soft) Strategic Mars (1988)(DB Soft)[a] Strategic Mars (1988)(DB Soft)[a2] Street Neo Fighter 2 (1991)(Neo) Street Neo Fighter 2 (1991)(Neo)[a] Street Snatch (1994)(Futuredisk) Sugo 8 (1989)(Msx Magazine)(Jp) Suiko (19xx)(Koei)(Jp) Super Boy 3 (1991)(Zemina) Super Cooks (1989)(Compile) Super Daisenryakiu (1988)(System Soft)(Jp) Super Deform Snatcher (1990)(Konami)(Disk 1 of 3) Super Deform Snatcher (1990)(Konami)(Disk 2 of 3) Super Deform Snatcher (1990)(Konami)(Disk 3 of 3) Super Deform Snatcher (1990)(Konami)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Super Deform Snatcher (1990)(Konami)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Super Deform Snatcher (1990)(Konami)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Super Deform Snatcher (1990)(Konami)(Sp)(Disk 1 of 3) Super Deform Snatcher (1990)(Konami)(Sp)(Disk 2 of 3) Super Deform Snatcher (1990)(Konami)(Sp)(Disk 3 of 3) Super Rambo Special (1985)(Pack In Video)(Jp) Super Rambo Special (1985)(Pack In Video)(Jp)[a] Super Rambo Special (1985)(Pack In Video)(Jp)[a2] Super Runner (1988)(Pony) Super Runner (1988)(Pony)[a] Super Tritorn (1986)(Sein Soft) Super Tritorn 2, Road Of Darkness (1988)(Sein Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4) Super Tritorn 2, Road Of Darkness (1988)(Sein Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4) Super Tritorn 2, Road Of Darkness (1988)(Sein Soft)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 4) Super Tritorn 2, Road Of Darkness (1988)(Sein Soft)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4) Super Trotorn (1986)(Sein Soft) Super Trotorn (1986)(Sein Soft)[a] Super Zelixer (1989)(Msx Magazine) Super Zelixer (1989)(Msx Magazine)[a] Super Zelixer 2 (1989)(Msx Magazine) Superstars Of Wrestling (1992)(Enigma Soft) Takkae Zigsaw (19xx)(Micro Cabin) Tako And Ika (1992)(Ofuko) Takoika (19xx)(-) Takoika (19xx)(-)[a] Tamanegi (1989)(Onion Software)(Jp) Tamba (1987)(Yonezawa)(Jp) Tanikawa'S Syogi Sinan 2 (1989)(Pony)(Jp) Tanikawa'S Syogi Sinan 2 (1989)(Pony)(Jp)[a] Tantei-X (1989)(Heart Soft)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Tantei-X (1989)(Heart Soft)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Tantei-X (1989)(Heart Soft)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Tdf (19xx)(Jp) Teachers Terror (1993)(Hegega) Teachers Terror (1993)(Hegega)[a] Tempo Typen (1986)(Radar Soft)(Nl) Tempo Typen (1986)(Radar Soft)(Nl)[a] Test Driver (1988)(Charada)(Jp) Test Driver (1988)(Charada)(Jp)[a] Testament (19xx)(Glodia)(Disk 1 of 2) Testament (19xx)(Glodia)(Disk 2 of 2) Tetmas Operation Maison (1989)(Final Star) Tetmas Operation Orange Road (1989)(Final Star) Tetris (1991)(BPS) Tetris Disney (1990)(MiChi) Tetris Disney (1990)(MiChi)[a] Tetris Master (1989)(Final Star)(Jp) Tetrix (19xx)(Sp) Tetrix (19xx)(Sp)[a] Three-Eyed One Comes Here - Mitsume Ga Tooru 3Lie-Mon, The (1989)(Natsume)(Jp) Three-Eyed One Comes Here - Mitsume Ga Tooru 3Lie-Mon, The (1989)(Natsume)(Jp)[a] Thunderbal (1986)(Bytebusters)(Nl) Thunderbal (1986)(Bytebusters)(Nl)[b] Thunderbal (1986)(Bytebusters)[a] Timer Ball (1990)(Ascat)(Jp) Tir-Nan-Og (19xx)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Tir-Nan-Og (19xx)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Tir-Nan-Og (19xx)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Tnt (1987)(Infogrames) Tnt (1987)(Infogrames)[a] Topografie Europa (1986)(Radar Soft)(Nl) Topografie Wereld (1986)(Radar Soft)(Nl) Topografie Wereld (1986)(Radar Soft)(Nl)[a] Topple Zip 2 (1988)(Bothtec) Topple Zip 2 (1988)(Bothtec)[a] Topple Zip 2 (1988)(Bothtec)[a2] Total Parodius (19xx)(Gemilis Art)(Promo) Touwtrekken, Tug-Of-War (19xx)(Smeekes)(Nl) Touwtrekken, Tug-Of-War (19xx)(Smeekes)[a] Tower Of Cabin, The (1992)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Tower Of Cabin, The (1992)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Tower Of Cabin, The (1992)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Treasure Of Usas, The (1987)(Konami)(Jp) Treasure Of Usas, The (1987)(Konami)(Jp)[a] Treasure Of Usas, The (1987)(Konami)(Jp)[a2] Triathlon James Bond 007 (1987)(Philips)(Nl) Triathlon James Bond 007 (1987)(Philips)(Nl)[a] Trojka (1992)(BCF) Troxx (1993)(Anma) Tucs, The (1989)(Msx Magazine) Tw Cup (19xx)(Atsic)(Jp) Twinkle Star (1989)(Msx Magazine)(Jp) Uhf Painter, The (1992)(Enigma Soft)(It) Ultima I, The First Age Of Darkness (1986)(Pony)(Jp) Ultima IV, Quest Of The Avatar (1987)(Pony)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Ultima IV, Quest Of The Avatar (1987)(Pony)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Unicorn Corporation Demo (1990)(Unicorn)(Nl)(Disk 1 of 2) Unicorn Corporation Demo (1990)(Unicorn)(Nl)(Disk 2 of 2) Unipaint (1985)(Unison World) Unipaint (1985)(Unison World)[a] Uranai. Fortune Teller (1988)(Konami) Urusei Yatsura (1987)(Micro Cabin)(Jp) Usajong - Babi In The World (1989)(Compile)(Jp) Usajong - Babi In The World (1989)(Compile)(Jp)[a] Uwasa (19xx)(Jp) Uxsis (19xx)(-) Uxsis (19xx)(-)[a] Vampire Killer. Demon Castle Dracula (1987)(Konami) Vectron (1989)(Parallax) Vectron (1989)(Parallax)[a] Veroveraar (19xx)(Nl) Veroveraar (19xx)(Nl)[a] War Of The Dead (1989)(Fun Factory)(Jp) War Of The Dead (1989)(Fun Factory)(Jp)[a] War Of The Dead II (1990)(Fun Factory)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) War Of The Dead II (1990)(Fun Factory)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Warau (1991)(Compile)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Warau (1991)(Compile)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Warning (1989)(Jp) Wast Year Iron Maiden (1989)(Unicorn) Wellen (19xx)(Frieven) Wellen (19xx)(Frieven)[a] What's Michael (1989)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) What's Michael (1989)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Whipple (1992)(Pastel Hope) Wig, The (1989)(Msx Magazine) Wingman (19xx)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Wingman (19xx)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Winning Solution (1990)(Cosmos Computer)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Winning Solution (1990)(Cosmos Computer)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Witch Iz, The (1991)(Chihiro)(Jp)(Ascii) Wiz Kids (1991)(19XX)(Jp) Wizardry (1987)(Foretune)(Jp) Woody Poco (1987)(DB Soft)(Jp) Woody Poco (1987)(DB Soft)(Jp)[a] Word Up (1988)(FSS) Word Up (1988)(FSS)[a] World Golf (1985)(Enix) World Golf (1985)(Enix)[a] World Golf (1985)(Enix)[a2] World Golf 2 (1987)(Enix)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) World Golf 2 (1987)(Enix)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) X Mas Quarrel (19xx)(Titansoft) X Mas Quarrel (19xx)(Titansoft)[a] Xak 1, The Art Of Visual Stage (1989)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 3) Xak 1, The Art Of Visual Stage (1989)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 3) Xak 1, The Art Of Visual Stage (1989)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 3) Xak 2, The Rising Of The Redmoon (1990)(Micro Cabin)(Disk 1 of 5) Xak 2, The Rising Of The Redmoon (1990)(Micro Cabin)(Disk 2 of 5) Xak 2, The Rising Of The Redmoon (1990)(Micro Cabin)(Disk 3 of 5) Xak 2, The Rising Of The Redmoon (1990)(Micro Cabin)(Disk 4 of 5) Xak 2, The Rising Of The Redmoon (1990)(Micro Cabin)(Disk 5 of 5) Xak 2, The Rising Of The Redmoon (1990)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 5) Xak 2, The Rising Of The Redmoon (1990)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 5) Xak 2, The Rising Of The Redmoon (1990)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 5) Xak 2, The Rising Of The Redmoon (1990)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 5) Xak 2, The Rising Of The Redmoon (1990)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)(Disk 5 of 5) Xak 2, The Rising Of The Redmoon (1990)(Micro Cabin)(Userdisk) Xak 3, The Tower Of Gazzel (1991)(Micro Cabin)(Disk 1 of 4) Xak 3, The Tower Of Gazzel (1991)(Micro Cabin)(Disk 2 of 4) Xak 3, The Tower Of Gazzel (1991)(Micro Cabin)(Disk 3 of 4) Xak 3, The Tower Of Gazzel (1991)(Micro Cabin)(Disk 4 of 4) Xeos (19xx)(Tate Game)(Sp) Xevious (1988)(Namcot) Xevious (1988)(Namcot)[a] XYZ (1987)(Hal)(Jp) XYZ (1987)(Hal)(Jp)[a] XYZ (1987)(Hal)(Jp)[a2] Xzr I (1989)(Telenet)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Xzr I (1989)(Telenet)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Xzr II (1988)(Telenet)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Xzr II (1988)(Telenet)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Yaji Baseball (1989)(Cross Media)(Jp) Yaksa (19xx)(Wolf Team)(Jp) Yakyud 1 (1989)(Nihon Create)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 2) Yakyud 1 (1989)(Nihon Create)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 2) Yakyud 2 (1990)(Nihon Create)(Jp)(Disk 1 of 4) Yakyud 2 (1990)(Nihon Create)(Jp)(Disk 2 of 4) Yakyud 2 (1990)(Nihon Create)(Jp)(Disk 3 of 4) Yakyud 2 (1990)(Nihon Create)(Jp)(Disk 4 of 4) Zanac Extra (1986)(Pony) Zanac Metalica 1 V v0.2 (1988)(Pony)[a] Zanac Metalica 1 v2. (1988)(Pony) Zanacex (1986)(Pony) Zatsugaru Olimpic (19xx)(Hard)(Jp) Zaworzo (1989)(Msx Magazine)[a][Robot Construction. Zowazo World] Zaworzo Robot Construction - Zowazo World (1989)(MSX Magazine)[a] Zaworzo. Robot Construction. Zowazo World (1989)(Msx Magazine) Zoids (1988)(Toshiba)(Jp) Zoids (1988)(Toshiba)(Jp)[a] Zombie Hunter (1988)(HiScore)(Jp) Zombie Hunter (1988)(HiScore)(Jp)[a] Zone Terra (1994)(Quadrivium) Zoo (1987)(Radar Soft)(Nl) Zoo (1987)(Radar Soft)(Nl)[a] Zoto (1987)(Scorpionsoft)(Nl) Zoto (1987)(Scorpionsoft)(Nl)[a] Zynos, On The Adventure Islands (1991)(Grischasoft)(Nl) Zynos, On The Adventure Islands (1991)(Grischasoft)(Nl)[a] ZZZ-UNK-1789, LA REVOLUTION[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-1789, LA REVOLUTION[DISK 3] ZZZ-UNK-2021 SNOOKY ZZZ-UNK-7 NIGHTS ZZZ-UNK-9 PRINCIPES DE AMBERES(IDEALOGIC-TELARIUM)[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-9 PRINCIPES DE AMBERES(IDEALOGIC-TELARIUM)[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-ADVENTURER ZZZ-UNK-AEROBIC ZZZ-UNK-AGAT (1988)(MMG SOFTWARE) ZZZ-UNK-AKANBE DRAGON ZZZ-UNK-AKTION BORSE ZZZ-UNK-ALESTE 1 ZZZ-UNK-ALESTE 2[DISK 1 OF 3] ZZZ-UNK-ALESTE 2[DISK 2 OF 3] ZZZ-UNK-ALESTE 2[DISK 3 OF 3] ZZZ-UNK-ALESTE BIO CHALLENGE ZZZ-UNK-ALIENS SLIME ZZZ-UNK-ALTER WARS 2, PENGUINKUP WARS 2 (MARTOS CRACK, WITH FM-PAC!) ZZZ-UNK-ALTER WARS 2, PENGUINKUP WARS 2, CRACKED (PSG ONLY) ZZZ-UNK-AMAZING CASH ZZZ-UNK-AMAZONAS[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-AMAZONAS[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-AMAZONAS[DISK 3] ZZZ-UNK-ANCIENT YS VANISHED OMEN 1 - ENGLISH(FALCOM) ZZZ-UNK-ANCIENT YS VANISHED OMEN 2 - (JP)(FALCOM)[T-EN][DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-ANCIENT YS VANISHED OMEN 2 - (JP)(FALCOM)[T-EN][DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-ANCIENT YS VANISHED OMEN 3 - JAPANESE(FALCOM)[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-ANCIENT YS VANISHED OMEN 3 - JAPANESE(FALCOM)[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-ANCIENT YS VANISHED OMEN 3 - JAPANESE(FALCOM)[DISK 3] ZZZ-UNK-ANCIENT YS VANISHED OMEN 3 - JAPANESE(FALCOM)[DISK 4] ZZZ-UNK-ANCIENT YS VANISHED OMEN 3(FALCOM)[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-ANCIENT YS VANISHED OMEN 3(FALCOM)[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-ANCIENT YS VANISHED OMEN 3(FALCOM)[DISK 3] ZZZ-UNK-ANCIENT YS VANISHED OMEN 3(FALCOM)[DISK 4] ZZZ-UNK-ANCIENT YS VANISHED OMEN 3(FALCOM)[DISK 5] ZZZ-UNK-ANDOROGYNUS TRAINER ZZZ-UNK-ANGER ZZZ-UNK-APMADOC (JP)(19XX)[VDEMO] ZZZ-UNK-AQUARELA[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-ARCUS 1[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-ARKANOID 2, THE REVENGE OF DOH ZZZ-UNK-ARKLIGH2 ZZZ-UNK-ARKLIGHT SPECIAL STAGE (SEX) ZZZ-UNK-ARKLIGHT TRAINER[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-ARKLIGHT TRAINER[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-ARKLIGHT[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-ARKLIGHT[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-ARMAGEDD (Jp)(DISK 2 OF 5) ZZZ-UNK-ARMAGEDD (Jp)(DISK 3 OF 5) ZZZ-UNK-ARMAGEDD (Jp)(DISK 4 OF 5) ZZZ-UNK-ARMAGEDD (Jp)(DISK 5 OF 5) ZZZ-UNK-ARSENE LUPIN ZZZ-UNK-ARSENE LUPIN IN THE CASTLE ZZZ-UNK-ARSENE LUPIN IN THE CITY ZZZ-UNK-ATC TRIAL (JP)(19XX)[VMOD] ZZZ-UNK-ATLANTIDA ZZZ-UNK-AURA BATTLER DUNBINE[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-AURA BATTLER DUNBINE[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-AURA BATTLER DUNBINE[DISK 3] ZZZ-UNK-AURA BATTLER DUNBINE[DISK 5] ZZZ-UNK-AURA BATTLER DUNBINE[DISK 6] ZZZ-UNK-AVENGER OF DEATH ZZZ-UNK-AZTECA 2 ZZZ-UNK-BA LOADER ZZZ-UNK-BADMAX[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-BADMAX[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-BADMAX[DISK 3] ZZZ-UNK-BALANCE OF POWER (1985)(MINDSCAPE) ZZZ-UNK-BALOADER ZZZ-UNK-BANK BUSTER ZZZ-UNK-BEBOP ZZZ-UNK-BE-BOP-BOUT (ENGLISH) (1997)(TEMPEST) ZZZ-UNK-BEDROOM OLYMPICS ZZZ-UNK-BEYOND ZZZ-UNK-BEYOND2 ZZZ-UNK-BLACK CYCLON[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-BLACK CYCLON[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-BLACKONY (JP)(19XX)MSX ZZZ-UNK-BLOCK TERMINATOR (SEXY BREAK OUT) ZZZ-UNK-BON BALL ZZZ-UNK-BREAKER ZZZ-UNK-BRISK ZZZ-UNK-BUBBLES ZZZ-UNK-BUGABOO - THE FLEA ZZZ-UNK-CACHE (DISK CACHE FOR MSX-GAMES) ZZZ-UNK-CACHE (DISK CACHE FOR MSX-GAMES)[A] ZZZ-UNK-CAMPAIGN 2 ENGLISH[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-CAMPAIGN 2 ENGLISH[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-CARD ZZZ-UNK-CELCION ZZZ-UNK-CHESS 3D ZZZ-UNK-CHOPPER 2 ZZZ-UNK-CHUKA TAISEN ZZZ-UNK-CITY CON RAMA(IDEALOGIC - TELARIUM)[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-CITY CON RAMA(IDEALOGIC - TELARIUM)[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-COBINCOM (Sp)(19xx) ZZZ-UNK-COCKPIT ZZZ-UNK-COLPO GROSO(LORENZO ERBA) ZZZ-UNK-COLUMNS ZZZ-UNK-COMMANDO - TRACER ZZZ-UNK-COSMIC SOLDIER ZZZ-UNK-COSMOS CLUB[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-COSMOS CLUB[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-COWBOYANA JONES ZZZ-UNK-CRIMSON 2[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-CYTRON ZZZ-UNK-DAIDA GEKI ZZZ-UNK-DAISENRYAKU 2 (RISK CAMPAIGN 2 OR BIG STRATEGY 2) ENGLISH[DATA] ZZZ-UNK-DAISENRYAKU 2 (RISK CAMPAIGN 2 OR BIG STRATEGY 2) ENGLISH[SYSTEM] ZZZ-UNK-DAIVA STORY 4 ZZZ-UNK-DANTE 1 ZZZ-UNK-DE ERFENIS ZZZ-UNK-DEEP FORREST ZZZ-UNK-DESPERADO ZZZ-UNK-DIABLO ZZZ-UNK-DIOS[!DIOSACB!] ZZZ-UNK-DIX ZZZ-UNK-DIXDAEF ZZZ-UNK-DIXDAEF[A1] ZZZ-UNK-DJANCO COLLECTION 2 ZZZ-UNK-DJANCO COLLECTION 4 ZZZ-UNK-DJANCO COLLECTION 4 (FR)(19xx) ZZZ-UNK-DJANGOC4 ZZZ-UNK-DOCTOR STOP[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-DOCTOR STOP[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-DOCTOR STOP[DISK 3] ZZZ-UNK-DOCTOR STOP[DISK 4] ZZZ-UNK-DOKI DOKI CARD LEAGUE[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-DOKI DOKI CARD LEAGUE[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-DOSHULP (Nl)(19XX)MSX ZZZ-UNK-DOUBLE DRAGON 2[A] ZZZ-UNK-DOUBTASK ZZZ-UNK-DP FOREST (JP)(19XX)[V256K] ZZZ-UNK-DRAGON CITY X[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-DRAGON KNIGHT 1[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-DRAGON KNIGHT 1[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-DRAGON KNIGHT 2[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-DRAGON KNIGHT 2[DISK 4] ZZZ-UNK-DRAGON KNIGHT 2[DISK 5] ZZZ-UNK-DRAGON KNIGHT 2[DISK 6] ZZZ-UNK-DRAGON KNIGHT 2[DISK 7] ZZZ-UNK-DRAGON KNIGHT 2[DISK 8] ZZZ-UNK-DRAGON QUIZ[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-DRAGON QUIZ[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-DRAGON SLAYER 2 ZZZ-UNK-DRAGON SLAYER 5, SORCERIAN (1987)(FALCOM)(USERDISK) ZZZ-UNK-DRAGON WORLD[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-DRAGON WORLD[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-DRAGON WORLD[DISK 3] ZZZ-UNK-DREAM PROGRAM SYSTEM GS[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-DREAM PROGRAM SYSTEM GS[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-DREAM PROGRAM SYSTEM GS[DISK 3] ZZZ-UNK-DREAM PROGRAM SYSTEM GS[DISK 4] ZZZ-UNK-DUAD (ASM-EDIT-ETC...) ZZZ-UNK-DUNGEON MISTERY 2 ZZZ-UNK-DYNAMIC PUBLISHER (SPANISH) ZZZ-UNK-EAGLE WAR (JP)(19XX)[VMEGARAM] ZZZ-UNK-EAGLE WAR ERESSUKU ZZZ-UNK-EARTH ZZZ-UNK-EASE ITA ZZZ-UNK-EGGBERT[VPREVIEW] ZZZ-UNK-EGGERLAND MYSTERY 2 ZZZ-UNK-EINDELOOS ZZZ-UNK-ELITE[VEXT][MSX1] ZZZ-UNK-ELLE[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-ELLE[DISK 3] ZZZ-UNK-ELLE[DISK 4] ZZZ-UNK-ELLE[DISK 6] ZZZ-UNK-ELLE[DISK 7] ZZZ-UNK-ENCUSU92 ZZZ-UNK-ENGLISH HOLIDAY ZZZ-UNK-ENIGMA ZZZ-UNK-ERIX 042B (Nl)(19xx) ZZZ-UNK-ERIX042B.(Nl) ZZZ-UNK-ESPADA SAGRADA ZZZ-UNK-ESTLAND CAMPAIGN[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-ESTRATEGIC ART OF WAR ZZZ-UNK-EVA PLAYER V0.6 ZZZ-UNK-EXECROM[V10][MSX1] ZZZ-UNK-EXECROM[V11][MSX1] ZZZ-UNK-EXTERLIEN[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-EXTERLIEN[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-EXTERLIEN[DISK 3] ZZZ-UNK-F1 NAMCOT ZZZ-UNK-F1 SPIRIT 3D[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-F1 SPIRIT 3D[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-FAHRENHEIT 451[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-FAHRENHEIT 451[DISK 3] ZZZ-UNK-FAIRY TALES[DISK 1 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-FAIRY TALES[DISK 2 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-FAIRY TALES[DISK 3 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-FAIRY TALES[DISK 4 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-FAMICLE PARODIC 1 ZZZ-UNK-FAMICLE PARODIC 2[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-FAMILY BOXING ZZZ-UNK-FASTCOPY ZZZ-UNK-FASTCOPY[a] ZZZ-UNK-FIGHTING WOLF ZZZ-UNK-FIGHWOLF.(Jp) ZZZ-UNK-FINAL COUNTDOWN ZZZ-UNK-FINAL FANTASY ZZZ-UNK-FIREBALL ZZZ-UNK-FIREBIRD (JP)(19xx) ZZZ-UNK-FIREBIRD (JP)(19XX)[A2] ZZZ-UNK-FISHING FREAK ZZZ-UNK-FLEET COMMANDER II ZZZ-UNK-FOR THE DAY 2[DISK 1 OF 3] ZZZ-UNK-FOR THE DAY 2[DISK 2 OF 3] ZZZ-UNK-FOR THE DAY 2[DISK 3 OF 3] ZZZ-UNK-FRANTIC ZZZ-UNK-FRAY TURBO-R(DISK 1 OF 5) ZZZ-UNK-FRAY TURBO-R(DISK 2 OF 5) ZZZ-UNK-FRAY TURBO-R(DISK 3 OF 5) ZZZ-UNK-FRAY TURBO-R(DISK 4 OF 5) ZZZ-UNK-FRAY TURBO-R(DISK 5 OF 5) ZZZ-UNK-FRECCE! ZZZ-UNK-FUZZBALL ZZZ-UNK-GALNA DA DA[DISK 1 OF 2] ZZZ-UNK-GALNA DA DA[DISK 2 OF 2] ZZZ-UNK-GAME EDITOR ZZZ-UNK-GARYOUKI (JP)(19xx) ZZZ-UNK-GAUDI[DISK 1 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-GAUDI[DISK 2 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-GAUDI[DISK 3 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-GAUDI[DISK 4 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-GEKISO BATTLE ZZZ-UNK-GIANNA SISTERS ZZZ-UNK-GIDDYRUN ZZZ-UNK-GIDDYRUN[a] ZZZ-UNK-GINDEN[DISK 3] ZZZ-UNK-GINDEN[DISK 4] ZZZ-UNK-GIRLS CONTROL ZZZ-UNK-GIRLY BLOCK ZZZ-UNK-GODDES (JP)(19xx) ZZZ-UNK-GODDES.(Jp) ZZZ-UNK-GOLDRUSH(VIVIA) ZZZ-UNK-GOLVELI2 (Jp)(DISK 1 OF 3) ZZZ-UNK-GOLVELI2 (Jp)(DISK 2 OF 3) ZZZ-UNK-GOLVELI2 (Jp)(DISK 3 OF 3 - USERDISK) ZZZ-UNK-GORBYPIP ZZZ-UNK-GORBY'S PIPELINE ZZZ-UNK-GRAFICO 1 (Sp)(19xx) ZZZ-UNK-GRAFICO1.(Sp) ZZZ-UNK-GRAPHOS 3 (1987)(ATI EDITORA) ZZZ-UNK-GRAPHOS 3 PROFESSIONAL ZZZ-UNK-GREATEST DRIVER 2D ZZZ-UNK-GREATEST DRIVER[DISK 1OF 2] ZZZ-UNK-GREATEST DRIVER[DISK 2OF 2] ZZZ-UNK-GROTTEN VAN OBERON ZZZ-UNK-GUIDO ZZZ-UNK-GUNCANNON[DISK 1 OF 3] ZZZ-UNK-GUNCANNON[DISK 2 OF 3] ZZZ-UNK-GUNCANNON[DISK 3 OF 3] ZZZ-UNK-GUNSHIP ZZZ-UNK-HALNOTE V0.4 (1986)(HAL LABORATORY) ZZZ-UNK-HARADIUS ZZZ-UNK-HAUNTED ZZZ-UNK-HAUNTEDD ZZZ-UNK-HCCPD 030 (Nl)(19xx) ZZZ-UNK-HCCPD030.(Nl) ZZZ-UNK-HEROES OF THE LANCE ZZZ-UNK-HITOMI KOBAYSHI IN LONDON ZZZ-UNK-HOW MANY ROBOTS ZZZ-UNK-HYDEFOS V2[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-HYDEFOS V2[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-HYDEFOS[DISK 1 OF 2] ZZZ-UNK-HYDEFOS[DISK 2 OF 2] ZZZ-UNK-HYDLIDE 1 ZZZ-UNK-HYDLIDE 2 ZZZ-UNK-HYDLIDE 3 ZZZ-UNK-IDE CD-PLAYER V1.10 ZZZ-UNK-IDE PARTITION CHANGER V5.0 ZZZ-UNK-IFR-FLY ZZZ-UNK-IKARI WARRIORS ZZZ-UNK-ILLUSION CITY(DISK 1 OF 13)[GAME DISK 1 OF 9] ZZZ-UNK-ILLUSION CITY(DISK 10 OF 13)[DATA DISK 1 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-ILLUSION CITY(DISK 11 OF 13)[DATA DISK 2 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-ILLUSION CITY(DISK 12 OF 13)[DATA DISK 3 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-ILLUSION CITY(DISK 13 OF 13)[DATA DISK 4 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-ILLUSION CITY(DISK 2 OF 13)[GAME DISK 2 OF 9] ZZZ-UNK-ILLUSION CITY(DISK 3 OF 13)[GAME DISK 3 OF 9] ZZZ-UNK-ILLUSION CITY(DISK 4 OF 13)[GAME DISK 4 OF 9] ZZZ-UNK-ILLUSION CITY(DISK 5 OF 13)[GAME DISK 5 OF 9] ZZZ-UNK-ILLUSION CITY(DISK 6 OF 13)[GAME DISK 6 OF 9] ZZZ-UNK-ILLUSION CITY(DISK 7 OF 13)[GAME DISK 7 OF 9] ZZZ-UNK-ILLUSION CITY(DISK 8 OF 13)[GAME DISK 8 OF 9] ZZZ-UNK-JACK NICKLAUS GOLF[DISK 1 OF 2] ZZZ-UNK-JACK NICKLAUS GOLF[DISK 2 OF 2] ZZZ-UNK-JACKNICA ZZZ-UNK-JESUS[DISK 1 OF 3] ZZZ-UNK-JESUS[DISK 2 OF 3] ZZZ-UNK-JESUS[DISK 3 OF 3] ZZZ-UNK-JOLT DEMO ZZZ-UNK-JOLTDEMO ZZZ-UNK-JOTUN ZZZ-UNK-JOTUUN ZZZ-UNK-KAMINO MACHI[DISK 1 OF 5] ZZZ-UNK-KAMINO MACHI[DISK 2 OF 5] ZZZ-UNK-KAMINO MACHI[DISK 5 OF 5] ZZZ-UNK-KANA ZZZ-UNK-KATOBA ZZZ-UNK-KEINSEI 2 ZZZ-UNK-KEY ZZZ-UNK-KIND GAL'S 1[DISK 1 OF 2] ZZZ-UNK-KIND GAL'S 1[DISK 2 OF 2] ZZZ-UNK-KIND GAL'S 2[DISK 1 OF 2] ZZZ-UNK-KIND GAL'S 2[DISK 2 OF 2] ZZZ-UNK-KINDEREN VAN DE WIND ZZZ-UNK-KING KONG (FR)(19xx) ZZZ-UNK-KING KONG 2 FRENCH ZZZ-UNK-KOHAKU IRO YOGUN[DISK 1 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-KOHAKU IRO YOGUN[DISK 2 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-KOHAKU IRO YOGUN[DISK 3 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-KOHAKU IRO YOGUN[DISK 4 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-KONAMI GAMES COLLECTION 1 FOR SD-SNATCHER SCC+[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-KONAMI GAMES COLLECTION 1 FOR THE SNATCHER SCC+[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-KONAMI GAMES COLLECTION 1 FOR THE SNATCHER SCC+[DISK 2] ZZZ-UNK-KONAMI GAMES COLLECTION 2 FOR SD-SNATCHER SCC+ ZZZ-UNK-KONAMI GAMES COLLECTION 2 FOR THE SNATCHER SCC+ ZZZ-UNK-KONAMI GAMES COLLECTION 3 FOR SD-SNATCHER SCC+ ZZZ-UNK-KONAMI GAMES COLLECTION 3 FOR THE SNATCHER SCC+ ZZZ-UNK-KONAMI GAMES COLLECTION 4 FOR SD-SNATCHER SCC+ ZZZ-UNK-KONAMI GAMES COLLECTION 4 FOR THE SNATCHER SCC+ ZZZ-UNK-KONAMI GAMES COLLECTION SPECIAL FOR SD-SNATCHER SCC+ ZZZ-UNK-KONAMI GAMES COLLECTION SPECIAL FOR THE SNATCHER SCC+ ZZZ-UNK-KUBIKIRI YAKATA[DISK 3 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-KUBIKIRI YAKATA[DISK 4 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-KUTISAKI[!KUTISAKI!] ZZZ-UNK-LA HERENCIA (SPANISH) ZZZ-UNK-LA MANSION DES PINOSVENDES ZZZ-UNK-LA VALEUR[DISK 1] ZZZ-UNK-L'AFFAIRE ZZZ-UNK-LAST ARMAGEDDON (5 DISKS)[DISK 2 OF 5] ZZZ-UNK-LAST ARMAGEDDON (5 DISKS)[DISK 3 OF 5] ZZZ-UNK-LAST ARMAGEDDON (5 DISKS)[DISK 4 OF 5] ZZZ-UNK-LAST ARMAGEDDON (5 DISKS)[DISK 5 OF 5] ZZZ-UNK-LAST MISS (Sp)(19XX)MSX ZZZ-UNK-LAYDOCK ZZZ-UNK-LAYDOCK 2 ZZZ-UNK-LE MAGICIEN D'OZ[DISK 1 OF 2] ZZZ-UNK-LE MAGICIEN D'OZ[DISK 2 OF 2] ZZZ-UNK-LE RALLYE DU SAVOIR(FORUM MICROS) ZZZ-UNK-LEATHER SKIRTS ZZZ-UNK-LEGEND OD RADORA ZZZ-UNK-LEGEND OF LADOLA, FANTASIA (1988)(K. SUZUKI) ZZZ-UNK-LEGENDLY NINE GEMS ZZZ-UNK-LENAM, SWORD OF LEGEND[DISK 1 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-LENAM, SWORD OF LEGEND[DISK 2 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-LENAM, SWORD OF LEGEND[DISK 4 OF 4] ZZZ-UNK-LICK & MICK ZZZ-UNK-LIFELANE[VSCORPION][MSX1] ZZZ-UNK-LIIVINGST (Sp)(19XX)MSX ZZZ-UNK-L'INFINI (1986)(RADARSOFT) Файлы: