Grundlesoftware Storage Card Applet; 200928 Grundlesoftware Space Hog CE; 196924 Light Sabre IDE Name: PDAZone Serial: CL3799901 bPRINT reg number= 040-740020 bFAX Pro : s/n: 040-740020 The only serial I have seen for Remind Me is: REMP940542127N1-1090 This serial works on any version prior to 1.1 which unfortunatly I don't have any longer. Try HPC Notes Professional 3.05 and register it with 9912-PRO3-00344155 I knoow it's not the same thing but I use it instead. Remindme REMP940542127N1-1090 CoolCalc RCKP940542127N1-1086