ALi USB Controller 1.03 ------------- INTRODUCTION ------------- This program is used to solve the incorrect identification of ALi USB Host Controller under Windows 95 OSR2.1. You should update to Windows 95 OSR2.1 with Microsoft usbsupp.exe before executing this program. Be careful the language of usbsupp.exe or it will damage your system. ----------------- Installation step ----------------- 1. Double click Microsoft usbsupp.exe, then reboot. 2. Double click ALiusb.exe, then reboot. ------------------------ About Windows 95/OSR 2.0 ------------------------ MS Windows 95 users can execute USBSUPP.EXE (provided by Microsoft) to update OSR2.0 to version 2.1. ------------------------ About Windows 95 OSR 2.5 ------------------------ MS Windows 95 OSR 2.5 users still need to execute USBSUPP.EXE to support USB function. Otherwise driver v1.03 can not be installed. --------------- About Windows98 --------------- Microsoft has the driver for USB in Windows98, so this program is not necessary if your operating system is Windows 98 or later. -------------- Change List -------------- 1.03: This program is used to solve the incorrect identification of ALi USB Host Controller under Windows 95 OSR2.1. It is only suitable in Microsoft Windows 95 OSR2.1. Executing this program would let your system support USB function. But you still need to check your USB devices do indeed support Windows 95 OSR2.1. 1.02: This program is used to solve the incorrect identification of ALi USB Host Controller under Windows 95 and Windows 95 OSR2. It is only suitable in Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows 95 OSR2 Version. Because Windows 95 OSR2 does not support USB function, executing this program does not mean that the system can support USB function. CopyRight @Acer Labs Inc(ALi) All Right Reserved.