AutoStandby 1.5 --------------- Once installed, AutoStandby will attempt to check and autoconfigure various required permissions needed for operation. These are Idle Timer, Phone, and Keystroke Injection. Please accept any prompts for these permissions for correct functionality. If you do not receive a prompt asking for these permissions or AutoStandby does not appear to be functioning correctly, follow these steps: 1. Goto Options > Advanced Options > Applications 2. If you do not see "AutoStandby" listed here here, press the Menu key and select "Modules" 3. Select "AutoStandby" and press the Menu key and select "Edit Permissions" 4. Under Connections, make sure "Phone" is set to ALLOW 5. Under Interactions, make sure "Keystroke Injection" and "Security Timer Reset" are set to ALLOW 6. Under Options > Auto Standby, make sure you have AutoStandby enabled :) 7. Reboot the device with a battery pull, if necessary Options *Enable AutoStandby - This enables or disables the application altogether *Disable if music player running - This will prevent AutoStandby from taking affect if one of the following players are currently running: RIM, MiuTunes, xPlayer, BerryTunes, Flipside, and nuTsie *Disable if connected to PC - This will prevent AutoStandby from taking affect if connected via USB to a computer. *Disable if externally powered - This will prevent AutoStandby from taking affect if connected to any external power source. *Disable if navigation system running - This will prevent AutoStandby from taking affect if any supported navigation software is running. These include: BlackBerry Maps, TeleNav, and Google Maps *Seconds to wait after screen blanks - This is the amount of time AutoStandby will wait after the blacklight turns off to take affect. For example, if your backlight timeout is set to 30 seconds, and you set this delay to 30 seconds, it will take 60 seconds of idle time before AutoStandby becomes active. If you press any key during this delay, the timer will reset and the screen will turn back on.